martes, 20 de noviembre de 2018

Charms 301. Describe Your Wand. General Wand Properties - Common Wand Cores

Estamos en el tercer año de primaria y l@s alumn@s ya deberían ser capaces de escribir pequeños textos en lengua inglesa. Así pues vamos a pedirles que realicen una pequeña redacción sobre la mas básica característica de las varitas: el núcleo.
Para ello primero hay que explicarles los diferentes tipos de núcleos que puede contener una varita y de que mágicos animales pueden proceder

Welcome again to my classroom my dear students. Last year we began to know some qualities and characteristics about wands and this year I want yo to study the importance of those characteristics

First we will begin with the Core; that´s to say which animal is your wand´s core made of. In this lesson we will learn the most common wand cores and the animal they proceed. We will not talk about exotic wand cores since tose wands are difficult to find and dangerous
As everybody knows wand get their magical power from their core which comes from different magical animals: Dragons, Phoenix or Unicors.

All You Need To Know About Wands
Chapter 4 
General Wand Properties

Common Wand Cores:

Dragon Heartstring(s) – Not a core for subtlety, but for sheer power; most common in Dark Witches or Wizards wand. This wand can change easily from master in case of being lost in battle. This wand is used normally in Hogwarts by Slytherin students also it can be useful for Gryffindors or Ravenclaws, but never for Hufflepuffs

Phoenix Tail Feather(s) – Popular due to its versatility and power within the wand; focuses on Defense Against the Dark Arts. It can impede dark spells, so Dark Witches and Wizards do try to avoid this core. This wand is dificult to change from its master although strong wizard can win its loyalty. This kind of wand normally belong to Gryffindor and Ravencalw students. Sometimes it can belong to Hufflepuffs or Slytherin wizards or witches nut is nor very common

Unicorn Hair(s) – Subtle core that is highly compatible to Charms and Transfiguration; absolute top wand for healing. This wand chooses loyal and king wizards or witches with Healing properties and it always be loyal to its first owner since it is very diffcult to master a spell once won by another master. This wand is tipically used by Hufflepuffs student although Gryffindors can be also in possession of this kind of wands

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If you need further information please dont hesitate to ask me or my assistants. Besides you can reach any book regarding this matter in the Library

All You Need To Know About Wands
Ollivander'S Guide To Wands

So during this lesson I want you to investigate the different kind of animals who can provide a magical core and describe your wand. You can use any of the books provided in the Library or you can ask me in case you might want to know more about the magical properties of these magical cores.

For the next lesson I want a full essay with no more than 30 words about the characteristics of your wand´s core and something special about the animal that makes that core

Thank you

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