viernes, 23 de noviembre de 2018

Charms 201. Describe Your Wand. General Wand Properties

Segundo año de Hogwarts y segunda clase. En esta clase nuestros alumnos y alumnas simplemente tiene que traer su varita a clase y hacer un dibujo de ella al mismo tiempo que nombran su caracteristica principal (nucleo)
Pero primero empezamos con nuestro taller de varitas


Hello my dear friends and welcome back to another fantastic year in Hogwarts. This year I expect great things about you sobe ready to produce new spells and enchantments. But first let´s learn a bit about your wand

Charms 201: Describe your Wand

Welcome my dear fellows to the charms class. this is a new year and I expect you to master the neccessary abilities learned last year to make new and fantastic spells during this year

But first we are going to begin with the study of wands
 Remember what you learn last year. Magic with a wand is usually performed with an incantation.  Wizards and Witches need a wand in order to cast a spell. There are a few wizards who can perform a magic enchantment without a wand (Albus Dumbledore)

In the following years I will teach you the different and magical properties of wands and their characteristics. As everyvody Knows one wand is defined by four basic characteristics: length, flexibility, material and core
In the next years you will learn everything about these characteristics and you will learn that each characteristic is directly paired with one aspect of your personality or your physical characteristics.

Wands´ Cores:
- Dragon Heartstrings: 
- Unicorn Hair: 
- Phoenix Tail Feathers: 

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So what I want you to do is very simple. I just need of you to make a very beautiful picture about your wand and explain to me its basic characteristics. 
Just mark the specific points. I dont need you to describe it, as far as it will be properly done during the following years.

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Now let´s take a look to the most famous wands

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