lunes, 19 de noviembre de 2018

Charms 401. Describe Your Wand. General Wand Properties - Length and Flexibility

En esta clase l@os alumn@s tienen que continuar con la descripción por partes de su varita. Si el año pasado, en 3º de Primaria, hablaban del núcleo, este año deberán describir dos propiedades más: la longitud y la flexibilidad... Pero primero hay que explicar esas caracteristicas

Hello my Friends... A new year has begun and here I am waiting for you as any other year to teach you the most interesting and useful spells that you must learn

But before we will continue learning about our wans. Last year we talked about the core. In this year I want you to know about the properties of wands´ length and flexibility

All You Need To Know About Wands
Chapter 5 of 6
General Wand Properties

It is theorised that the wand's length is proportional to the wizard's height: the longer the wand, the taller the wizard, and the shorter the wand, the shorter the wizard. Most wands will be in the range of between nine and fourteen inches. While I have sold extremely short wands (eight inches and under) and very long wands (over fifteen inches), these are exceptionally rare
The flexibility of a wand is generally a measurement of its willingness to work for its chosen Witch or Wizard. A witch with a whippy wand might learn spells faster than a wizard with a rigid wand, but the wizard with a rigid wand will have more spell strength once he finally masters it. Rigid and inflexible wands are the hardest to master, but dependent on their core and wood, can be the most powerful. There is also an element of material inherent- it is rare to find a whippy mahogany wand or a stiff reed wand.

The scale, from speed to strength:

swishy< easiest to learn and cast, least powerful





unyeilding < hardest to learn and cast, most powerful

texto cedido por Hogwartsishere.

Imagen y texto cedidos por

So for today I want you to start an essay about the length and flexibility of your wand. Please note that it is neccessary to inform about your physical apperance and your personality since it is attached to the characteristics of your wand. Use no lessthan 45 words

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