viernes, 20 de julio de 2018

Defence Against Dark Arts 102. Offensive or Defensive. The Ticking Spell (Titillando)

 Hoy vamos a aprender un nuevo hechizo ofensivo. Recordamos que en la lección anterior hablamos del hechizo ridiculizador (Rdikulus) y en esta lección vamos a ver el hechizo de distracción (Titlandus). Pero primero vamos a hablar de la diferencia entre los hechizos ofensivos y los hechizos defensivos

Did you all have a good classroom experience since we last met? I know many of you are anxious to draw your wands and begin casting spells. but this practise process is extremely important to your continued development in spellwork. This practice will not only help you in this course, but you will find that it improves your ability to concentrate for spellwork in your Charms and Transfiguration courses as well. However, I know many of you have been itching to get some practical offensive spells in your arsenal, so today that is our goal. Over the next three lessons, all the way to the midterm, I will be teaching you some offensive spells, including some counter-curses. Before you get too excited, there will be theory involved

Defense Agains Dark Arts 102. Offensisve or Deffensive

Offensive magic is used to attack another witch or wizard, while defensive magic is used to repel or block a magical attack. A wide variety of spells can be used as an attack, depending on the creativity of the caster. For example, an Aguamenti spell could be used to send a jet of water at an attacker, knocking them off their feet. As with offensive spells, many spells can be used as a defense by an imaginative witch or wizard. For example, Hermione used Duro to cause a tapestry to turn hard as stone, injuring some Death Eaters who ran into it immediately thereafter

It's about preparing ourselves ...for what's waiting for us out there. It's about making sure we really can defend ourselves."
-- Hermione Granger 

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Therefore, this spell is not a spell that is to be taken lightly. It may seem amusing, but can easily cause enough of a distraction to save your hide by giving you the time to properly cast this spell

Tickling Hex: 

A beginner's spell to weaken an opponent by creating a distracting interlude. Otherwise known for a tickling feeling victims have, the Tickling Hex, or known as the Tickling Spell in "Curses and Counter-Curses" by Vindictus Viridian is somewhat useful in your arsenal in certain opportunities.

I am sure many of you are now a little confused. How is a Tickling Charm considered an offensive spell? Let me explain. First, it is a fairly easy spell to cast and, primarily, its goal is to cause an effect that would distract or harm an opponent in a dueling situation

Incantation:Titillando! [Titi-lan-doh]

Wand Movement: Move your hand in a hook like fashion (see diagram 1a), first making a short curve before moving left and adding a finishing break. Chant the incantation before or as the you work the spell and point it at your opponent.

Concentration: To start, you need to concentrate on causing the target to feel a tickling sensation. Use your mind to direct your magic into that tickling sensation and making your intended target feel it.

The next thing to consider is the amount of willpower to put into this spell. Typically this spell requires a low amount of willpower, but more can be applied if you want the target to feel a stronger sensation.

When all of this is done, a silver light will shoot at your wand and hit the target and cause them to feel a tickling sensation

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