lunes, 23 de julio de 2018

Potions 602. The Dust Has Only Just Begun to Fall (The Briefest of Looks at Theory). Advanced Potion Making - Felix Felicis

 Este año en las clases de Pociones vamos a recordar los cambios de estado


Hello everyone and welcome to our second lesson of this last year!

Potions 602. The Dust Has Only Just Begun to Fall (The Briefest of Looks at Theory)

This leads us into our next discussion of phases and phase transitions. This is something with which you should already be familiar from your daily life, even if you don’t know the name for the phenomena.

I will not go into detail on the mundane physics, but to boil it down, so to speak: solids, liquids, and gases are composed of basic units known as atoms and molecules (groupings of two or more atoms). If these particles are packed closely together and moving slowly, this is a solid. If they are packed less closely and experience slightly more dynamic (changing or active) movement, we see it as a liquid. You can move your hand through liquid because the particles are less closely-packed together. Gases have the least densely-packed particles of the three, and those particles have very active movement

A phase transition is the term for when one of these phases passes through to another. This happens through a shift in energy, typically shown through a gain or loss of heat, which is the tangible evidence of thermal energy

You will likely know most of these terms already, but here are the most common types of phase transitions:

How does this relate to potions? Well, many ingredients maintain their solid form, but are simply dissolved into such small pieces that they cannot be individually distinguished within the potion. However, whenever you see the gentle billow of steam rising, this is indicating some sort of gaseous phase transition. Both the heat of your cauldron and the magic from your wand cause the change in energy that provides the catalyst for this reaction. The magic from your wand also leads to more complex chemical reactions, but we’ll cover that more later.

Ahora vamos a la parte práctica y hoy elaboraremos la poción Felix Felicis (Suerte líquida). Primero vemos el video de la pelicula Harry Potter y las Reliquias de la Muerte

Y también un vídeo de como preparar esta poción de una manera divertida. Nosotros no le pondríamos alcohol ya que es para niños

Now let´s go to the practise

Advanced Potion Making

Chapter 6 of 8 Felix Felicis

"Felix Felicis is liquid luck, which makes the person who drinks it lucky for a certain period of time.


Felix Felicis causes the drinker to have a limited period of good luck, during which they are likely to to succeed in all endeavours in which success is possible. They have a strong perception of this effect, including a high level of confidence and a "sensation of infinite opportunity." This is accomplished not through direct application of force or granting the drinker any extraordinary powers, but by inspiring the drinker with a favourable pathway through the circumstances.

A person under the potion's inspiration would likely prove highly adaptable to any unexpected change in the circumstances. There are always infinite possibilities in any situation, some of which doubtless lead to the desired outcome, and Felix can highlight them no matter what happens.Though Felix Felicis confers no extra powers on the user, it seems capable of drawing out the best reserves of their ability if needed.
There is a period of 'coming down' when Felix Felicis wears off. During this time, the user's sense of confidence fades, and unlucky circumstances can quickly catch up to them if they are not vigilant. It is unclear whether Felix wearing off actually increases the user's bad luck in a small overbalancing period (though obviously not so great as to undo whatever they have just accomplished), or whether the user simply keenly perceives the return of 'ordinary' levels of luck and all the subsequent challenges and dangers.

The potion is not able to better the chances of the drinker against particularly powerful enchantments

The potion's effectiveness seems to wane after a certain amount of time
Overdosing is dangerous, as it is very toxic in large quantity, and over-reliance on it may lead to dangerous overconfidence, giddiness, and recklessness. The potion is very difficult and time-consuming to brew, and disastrous if concocted incorrectly. Due to its effects, it is considered a tool of cheating and therefore prohibited in organised events such as Quidditch and examinations.

Now let´s go to the brewing


Magic Ingredients                      Mundane Ingredients

Squill bulb                                     Lemon Juice

Ashwinder egg                              Lemonade

Occany eggshell                            Apple Juice

Anemone - Like growth                Syrup

Horseradish                                  Cinammon

Juice 50ml of squill bulb, add to the cauldron

Add a spoon of Ashwinder egg to a cauldron and remove clockwise during 30 seconds

Grind up Occamy eggshell and add to mixture. Remove counterclock wise 10 times

Chop up anemone-like growth on the back of Murtlap, add to mixture and heat.

Stir slowly during 1 minute counterclock wise

Add a sprinkle of horseradish and Stir slowily clockwise during 20 times Wave wand over potion in a figure of eight and say incantation ‘Felixempra



For Homework I want you to prepare your own felix felicis potion at home and write an essay about an specifical moment you would use this potion... Remember that is forbidden for exams and sports evens or quizzes. 


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