jueves, 26 de julio de 2018

Potions 502. Where Are We? - Some Vocabuary and Theory. Advanced Potion Making - Amortentia

 Volvemos a la clase de Pociones. Esta clase puede perfectamente unirse a las clases de Ciencias Naturales de 51 ya que empezaremos con algo de teoría (vamos a hablar sobre las mezclas heterogéneas y mezclas homogéneas) 




Welcome everyone to the second week of Potions! I have enjoyed reading all of your introduction essays and I am overjoyed that so many of you are aspiring to be exceptional potioneers. I know that you are all anxious to brew your first potion, but I want you to be familiar with the fundamentals before setting you before the cauldron. This week, we will cover some simple chemical concepts and vocabulary

Potions 502. Where Are We? (Some Vocabulary and Theory)

As we discussed in the last lesson, a potion is a magical mixture composed of magical, mundane, and transitional ingredients. i

So let us delve into some of the terms defined above. A mixture is when there are multiple substances which are mixed together with no reaction taking place. To speak technically, this means that the molecules have not changed in character, and all of the materials involved in the mixture coexist with one another. A mixture can either be considered heterogeneous or homogeneous. A mixture is considered heterogeneous when there is not one uniform substance throughout, but rather many different components combined together. You can pull apart and identify each of the materials in a mixture. . A mixture is considered homogeneous when you cannot visibly see the parts of the mixture but they are still able to be pulled apart without a chemical change.

 In contrast, a compound is a substance that occurs as a result of a chemical reaction of some sort between different substances. A compound can only be separated once again into its individual parts through another chemical reaction

                                            texto e imagnenes cedidos por Hogwartsishere.com

Ahora pasemos a la práctica. Hoy vamos a elaborar la Poción Amortentia. Se puede hacer de dos formas:una simplemente decorativa y otra que pueda ser ingerida o bebida por los niños y niñas de primaria
Primero vemos el vídeo donde se prepara esta poción en la película Harry Potter y las Reliquias de la Muerte 

Now let´s get to work.... 



We will continue using the book Advanced Potions Making by Libattus Borage

Advanced Potion Making

Chapter 19 of 21 Amortentia

Today we’re discussing love and the potion Amortentia. For those of you unfamiliar, it is said to be the most powerful love potion in the world! We’ll get more into that at the end of the lesson, however. For now, we must discuss what exactly love is!

Everyone knows that love potions exist within our community. They may be some of the most popular selling potions in shops. Everyone wants to be loved, to be cherished. These potions can cause the effects ranging from just mild infatuation to major obsession, such as the case with Amortentia. Love potions can be disastrous if made incorrectly and then consumed, but most aren’t incredibly hard to brew. These potions began being sold in the 1800s by Laverne de Montmorency. He invented a wide variety of different love potions which really lifted the market for these. Of course, there are love potions dating all the way back to the Salem Witch Trial days.

It’s important to notice that love potions don’t actually cause love. Even Amortentia, the greatest love potion yet to be made, doesn’t create actual love. It only creates a mere imitation, a facade if you will, of love. At best, a complete obsession. It’s dangerous to enter a relationship under these pretenses.

“Amortentia doesn’t really create love, of course. It is impossible to manufacture or imitate love. No, this will simply cause a powerful infatuation or obsession. It is probably the most dangerous and powerful potion in this room – oh yes,’ he said, nodding gravely at Malfoy and Nott, both of whom were smirking sceptically. ‘When you have seen as much of life as I have, you will not underestimate the power of obsessive love …’
– Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

This recipe will show you how to make a Harry Potter inspired Amortentia love potion. Since I don’t have access to the magical ingredients from the Harry Potter book series like powdered moonstone, or Ashwinder eggs, I made do with sweet ingredients from the supermarket like vanilla ice cream, white chocolate chips and cherries to make this cherry flavored white hot chocolate confection that is sure to cast a spell on your sweetheart.

Magical ingredients in Amortentia Potion Non-Magical Ingredient Substitutions
Standard potion water Vanilla bean ice cream
Ashwinder Eggs. Frozen cherries or strawberries
Rose Thorns. Pink food colorant
Refined Peppermint Oil. White chocolate chips
Moonstone. Cream
Mother of Pearl. milk 

For homework i want you toprepare your own Amortentia Potion and do the following quiz. Then I want you to write a small essay (75 words) about your Amortentia Potion smell.  You must begin with the title: WHAT DOES MY AMORTENTIA POTION SMELL LIKE?

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