martes, 17 de julio de 2018

Defence Against Dark Arts 202. Offensive or Defensive. The Leg Locker Curse - Locomotor Mortis

 Segunda clase de Defensa Contra las Artes Oscuras de este segundo año. El año pasado empezamos a ver la diferencia entre hechizos ofensivos y defensivos. Este año vamos a profundizar un poco más en los hechizos ofensivos. Primero veremos las característicos de estos hechizos y después aprenderemos un nuevo encantamiento de ataque.

Hello my dear friends and welcome to another class in this second year of Defense Agains the Dark Arts. I hope everybody did correctly achieve a mastering in the castin of the spell that we learn last class because today we will learn to cast another jinx that is a bit more difficult. But first let´s concern ourselves a bit more about the Offensive spells

Defense Against Dark Arts 202. Offensive Spells

To begin, we must first understand what qualifies as an offensive spell. This might seem like an obvious concept, but in reality it is much more complex. At its base, an offensive spell is a type of spell whose purpose is to cause harm or to distract your opponent through direct stimulation of the body. A spell used to cause a distraction in and of itself is not an offensive spell - some people will use the Fire-Making Charm to create a distraction, but this charm is not an offensive spell.

The second part of the definition of an offensive spell, as mentioned above, is that it must be cast with the intent to cause harm. Again, this definition is very loose; what was once considered harmful in the past (an example of which will be taught in this lesson) may no longer be considered harmful. In many cases, the categorization of a spell as an offensive spell is a matter of perspective. Do you believe that the spell will cause harm? Are you casting the spell with the intent to harm?

Now to the casting. The spell we are going to learn today is the Leg Locker Curse

The Leg Locker Curse - Locomotor Mortis

Today we will be learning a curse that, as Second Year students, you are more than capable of casting. This spell will target the opponent’s legs. When you are in a combat situation, one of your best defenses is the ability to move quickly and easily. Knowing that, one of the best ways to get an advantage against an agile opponent is to take away their ability to move quickly. Once they cannot move, you will be able to hit them with another spell more easily, which can save your life in a duel, particularly an informal duel. However, you can also use this spell to give yourself an opportunity to run. In the same way that the Jelly-Legs Jinx we learned in the first year does, this spell will make your opponent unsteady and they will likely fall

Now I will teach you the proper techniques and mental process needed to cast this spell, but before I do, I will warn you that these spells will be more difficult than the spells you learned last year and even the spells you have learned so far this year. 

Now, to spellcasting

Spell: Leg-Locker Curse
Incantation: Locomotor Mortis (LOH-cah-MOH-tor MOR-tiss)
Wand Movement: A flick downward, a flick to the left, another downward flick, and a swish to the right
Concentration: Moderate, on locking the target’s legs together
Willpower: Low to moderate

Now Let´s  practise. Curses are not to be taken lightly and require a lot more mental work than the spells you have cast so far. I do not want anyone taking the practice of these spells lightly and anyone found practicing on another person will find themselves in Headmistress Oshiro’s office faster than you can say “curse”. Class dismissed!

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