lunes, 16 de julio de 2018

Defence Against Dark Arts 302. Dark Creatures. The Revulsion Jinx - Relashio

 Estamos en la segunda clase del tercer año de Defensa Contra las Artes Oscuras y al igual que el año pasado seguimos estudiando algunas criaturas y el modo de defendernos de ellas. Hablaremos de los hechizos defensivos y de las criaturas como los Gryndilows y el hechizo de repulsión 

Para ello utilizaremosellibro de teto propueso por el profesor Remus Lupin 

Primero vemos un vídeo de la película Harry Pottery el cáliz de fuego donde se muestra un ejemplo de estas criaturas y de como se realiza este hechizo

I hope you all got beneficial, practical experience working on the spells you learned last class. Today we will be learning a new defensive spell that I think isextremely important for you to know, since defensive spells are, for the more advanced witch or wizard, the staple of our protection spell casting. 
But first let´s learn a bit about defensive spells 

Defense Agains Dark Arts 302. Defensive Spells - The Revulsion Spell - Relashio

Knowing how to defend yourself against dark wizards and any other threat out there is compulsory. It's not about how heroic it may seem when you perform these spells to save yourself or others. It's about what you do to defend yourself. If the spell is performed incorrectly then your life and possibly others is at risk.

Defensive magic is important as it allows one to protect themselves and their homes from Dark Arts and other possible threats. Witches and wizards have to deal with those who engage in Dark Arts on a daily basis and defensive magic provides a way of avoiding damage whilst not causing permanent harm to the opponent. In a society in which spells that are considered of dark nature are frowned upon, defensive magic gives us the option to choose how to fight and therefore we are not forced to use spells that we condemn or find morally wrong.

Now lwt´s get physical and learn about a new creature and the way tofight it. Remember last class qhen we talked a bout the classification of creatures. today we will see a creature classificated as XX (harmless) by the Ministry of Magic

Grindylows - What Are They?

Grindylows are pale-green creatures with horns on the top of their heads. Their eye color is primarily yellow, but there have been known instances of their eyes being white. From the waist up, a Grindylow is vaguely humanoid; they have two arms with fingers that are brittle but razor sharp, green teeth that are as sharp, if not sharper, than their fingers. From the waist down, they become less humanoid. Their legs are tentacles and each grindylow has approximately six of them, though some have had as few as two and others have had as many as eight; some will have even more, but these are very rare.

They are rated XX by the Ministry of Magic, which means that they are harmless on the whole. Do not let this make you complacent around them. They are still a dangerous creature because they have known violent tendencies that include biting their victims

The Revulsion Jinx -Relashio

Fortunately, there is a relatively simple spell that can be cast both above and below water. The spell is called the Revulsion Jinx and, when it is cast correctly, will force the target to release their grip on whatever they are holding. In the case of a grindylow, it will force them to release their grip on your body, wherever they grabbed you, and should allow you to swim to safety or, at least, to resurface momentarily in order to get more oxygen into your lungs.

In order to cast this spell, you must point your wand at the target and say the incantation “Relashio” (ree-LASH-ee-oh).

Spell: The Revulsion Jinx
Incantation: Relashio (ree-LASH-ee-oh)
Wand Movement: Point wand at target
Concentration: Concentrate on making the target release its grip
Willpower: Low

Now, I believe you all have a midterm to take. I hope you all are ready to get some practical experience with the creatures we have studied thus far. Best of luck to you all!

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