jueves, 12 de julio de 2018

Defence Against Dark Arts 402. Dark Creatures. The Dancing Feet Spell - Tarantallegra

Seguimos con las clases de Defensa Contra las Artes Oscuras y vamos a ver un nuevo tipo de criaturas: los arácnidos.  Después ensayaremos un hechizo sencillo pero efectivo: El hechizo de pies danzantes.Para ello simplemente pediremos a los alumnos que uno de ellos lance el hechizo y el alumno o alumna que ha recibido el encantamiento haga un baile divertido

Primero vemos un vídeo sobre este hechizo que aparece en la película Harry Potter y el Prisionero de Azkaban


Wellcome back to the Dungeons and to Defence Against Dark Arts 402 class. Today we will imbue ourselves into the magic world of the Arachnids. We will stury three different types of this marvellous creature and then we will learn how to defend against their attack

Defence Against Dark Arts 402. Arachnids. The Dancing Teet Spell - Tarantallegra

Whenever you think of a spider, you probably think of one thing, tiny, nasty, scary creatures that are good for nothing, but spiders can actually be very useful. A lot of the spiders you see outside are not even deadly, so try not to destroy their webs, as they entrap annoying pests. So without further ado, lets dive into the world of spiders.

Widow spiders (Latrodectus): When everybody thinks of a spider, they probably think of this one. These spiders have a potent venom which sends thousands of people to the poison control center, But, fortunately, people rarely die from a bite. Latrodectus mactans is a broadly distributed genus of spiders with several species that together are referred to as true widows. This group is composed of those often loosely called black widow spider, brown widow spiders, and similar spiders. According to a new study, latrodectus mactans and house spiders have comparable toxic compounds in their venom — but latrodectus mactans evolved faster and became far more dangerous.

Wolf spiders (Lycosidae): They are robust and agile hunters with excellent eyesight. They live mostly in solitude and hunt alone, and do not spin webs.Wolf spiders aren't deadly to humans, but they can still bite and cause uncomfortable symptoms. They do not attack, unless you provoke them to get them to bite.
Wolf spiders produce a venom designed to paralyze their prey (normally a small crawling insect), but, in the case of the wolf spider, this venom is not especially toxic to human beings. Generally speaking, a wolf spider bite is no more dangerous or painful than a bee sting, therefore, there is nothing to fear

Acromantulas: An Acromantula is a species of giant spider, native to the rainforests of Southeast Asia, particularly Borneo where it inhabits dense jungles. Acromantulas are believed to be a wizard-bred species, designed to guard dwellings or treasure hoards, and were first created before the Ban on Experimental Breeding in 1965. These giant spiders with a taste for human flesh were first spotted in 1794.

Acromantulas sport eight, black eyes (white if blind) and are typically covered in thick black hair, with a leg span that can reach up to fifteen feet. They are the size of a carthorse, if adult. They possess a set of giant chelicerae which they use to eat live prey or their own dead kin. Their pincers produce a clicking sound when they are agitated or excited. They also secrete poison when excited. They are sentient, and capable of human speech. The fangs contain highly toxic venom,

Now let´s go to the real work... I want you to learn the following spell. Although it seem a funny enchantment it can save your life in case you face one of these dangerouse creatures

The Dancing Feet Spell - Tarantallegra

"The 'Dancing Feet' spell has its origins in ancient Italy, but is best remembered for its improper usage by Warlock Zaccaria Innocenti who is credited with conjuring a 'dance' within Mt. Vesuvius in 79 AD."

It is a charm used to force another person’s legs to begin dancing uncontrollably. The spell requires a clear, unobstructed view of the target to be successfully cast. The Dancing Feet Spell (Tarantallegra) was a charm that made a target's legs spasm wildly out of control, making it appear as though they were dancing. It worked on both living and inanimate targets, so long as it had legs. It was mainly used to humiliate a victim, but it could be also be used in duelling.

The Dancing Feet Charm, Tarantallegra, affects more than a small area of the body without changing the entire body. While not the entire body, it's considered a Third Degree physical charm because it affects the muscles of the leg in a complex way.

Incantation : Trantalegra (tuh-RAHN-tuh-LEHG-rah)
Wand Movement: Making the form of human legs
Concentraion: Low. Concntrate on your opponet to start moving in an incontrolate form
Wilpower: Dependin on your opponent strenght

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