domingo, 8 de julio de 2018

Defence Against Dark Arts 502. Dark Creatures. The Wolfsbane Potion

 Volvemos alas clases de Defensa Contra las Artes Oscuras y seguimos aprendiendo sobre diferentes criaturas.Este año hablaremos de vampiros y hombres lobo y aprenderemos unas pociones para poder combatir estas criaturas 

Vemos unos vídeos de las películas de Harry Potter basados en estas criaturas

Defence Against Dark Arts 502: Dark creatures

And so we begin learning about our final creature for the course. For the next two lessons, we will be covering werewolves. As with vampires, there is a lot of information to cover, so we will be taking two lessons to discuss them


Vampires are generally nocturnal creatures who have an aversion to the sun; they also have a strong aversion to garlic.
The most prominent feature of a vampire is their two fanged teeth. These fangs are extremely sharp and can cut through human skin when they bite them. This bite will accomplish two purposes. The first purpose is to feed themselves. Remember Vampyres diet is on human blood. The second goal that the bite accomplishes is that it turns the victim into a vampire themselves

Mummies and Zombies

Mummies are definitely not real, and they are most certainly deadly, however the charms used to create them have been lost in time. The closest approximation we can create is what the Muggles call “zombies”. These slow and clumsy creatures will try to eat your brain in order to feed themselves, the are nowhere near as dangerous as their ancient counterparts, and can be defended against quite easily.


Werewolves (literally "man-wolves") are shape-shifting creatures with unusual speed, strength, reflexes, and senses. Werewolves are human beings affected by an illness that causes them to transform at each Full Moon. This normally lasts for three days during the month. During this transformation, the human affected loses their normal thought process and is unable to tell friend from enemy. The illness itself can only be passed by werewolf saliva, that´s to say, only if a Werewolf bites you

To continue discussing the limitations of the vampire, we can also move into how we protect ourselves from them. The first method of defense against a vampire is garlic. By wearing cloves of garlic around your neck, or being near garlic, a vampire will avoid you. No one is quite sure what it is about garlic that repels a vampire. Some think that it has to do with the pungent smell that will keep most people away, while others speculate that garlic, when eaten, will prevent vampirism from afflicting you. None of these rumors or speculation has ever been confirmed. All we know for sure is that garlic will have a vampire turning the other way. With that in mind, it is a good idea to keep some garlic in stock and, when you live on your own, to grow a garden that includes garlic (for proper garlic growing advice, you can talk to either of our esteemed Herbology professor, Professor Rowan).

Now let´s move to the practise of Today

Wolfsbane Potion

Wolfsbane Potion doesn't cure but alleviates the symptoms of lycanthropy, the condition Remus Lupin suffers from. Lycanthropy is simply a fancy term for a werewolf, and while Wolfsbane does not prevent the transformation under a full moon, it morphs its user into a drowsy regular wolf rather than a vicious werewolf. Wolfsbane also allows consumers to maintain their memories after the transformation.

As helpful as it is to lycanthropy-inflicted wizards, Wolfsbane is tricky to craft, and the ingredients are expensive to find, meaning several werewolves are unable to regularly ingest it.

Ingresients                                                           Normal Ingredients

Silver powder                                                             blue glitter
Aconite root                                                                blue 
Augurey feathers
Bulbotubero juice                                                        crystal glue
Hornbeam bark
Moonstone or moonstone                                               cotton
Lily of the valley flowers

the ingredients must be mixed for a good 14  minutes in a row alternating 7 turns clockwise with 7 turns counterclockwise, after which the infusion must be left to rest for a month.

Aquí os dejo un video sobre como preparar esta pocion de defensa contra los hombres lobo

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