viernes, 6 de julio de 2018

Defence Against Dark Arts 602. Duelling. The Disarming Charm - Expelliarmus

 Vamos a la segunda clase de Defensa Contra las Artes Oscuras. Hoy aprenderemos a batirnos en duelo y después el hechizo de desarme. Para ello ataremos unas cuerdas o hilos entre dos varitas y haremos que dos alumnos de batan en duelo y que cuando uno realice el hechizo "Expelliarmus", el oponente debe dejar caer su varita y aparentar una caída hacia atrás


Primero vemos un par de vídeos sobre este hechizo en varias películas de Harry Potter

Y algún vídeo hecho por un videoaficionado

Your last year of this course began to prepare you with the basics of what you will need to know in order to succeed outside of these walls; this year, we will step it up a little and start teaching you more spells that you can add to your arsenal - nothing is more dangerous than a well-prepared witch or wizard

Before we can get into the interesting information, we must first get through the basic. . It is my job to ensure that you are all prepared when you leave this classroom at the end of your Hogwarts experience


Defence Against Dark Arts 502. Introduction to Dueling. The Disarming Charm - Expelliarmus

Dueling is a very ancient art form, dating back to the creation of the wand, which was in approximately 600 B.C.E. Witches and wizards would use these new magical channels to challenge each other to contests of strength, wit, and abilityTo simplify, a duel is a situation where two magical persons engage in combat, normally under the assumption that only magical means would be used.

In a formal duel, the standard rules of engagement are followed. This means that only magical methods will be used. A formal duel is over when one side is incapacitated. These duels are most often non-lethal, though there have been notable extreme cases where deaths have occurred

The other path, the informal duel, becomes much more dangerous. These duels are frequently started in the heat of the moment. The rules of engagement are almost never followed; these types of duels will frequently use both magical and non-magical methods and there is ensure that the rules are followed. Many witches and wizards have died due to informal duels and I highly suggest avoiding them if at all possible

The Rules of Engagement

Bow to your opponent:This is simply a sign of respect. This step shows that you acknowledge the skill of your opponent and believe them to be a worthy adversary.

Turn and walk ten paces back: By walking away, you and your opponent both have time to begin making a plan. It also provides you with the space required to perform some of the proper spellwork

Assume a dueling stance and Wait for the referee’s mark: They will typically use statements like “wands at the ready”, which indicates that the duelers should assume their stance

Use only non-lethal spells: These duels are not meant to be lethal; they are designed simply to settle a dispute. The goal of the duel is to get your opponent to submit, not to kill.

 Vemos unos videos sobre como se hacen los duelos mágicos - formal duel  - informal duel



Now that we have our minds well prepared, I believe it is time to get rid of these cushions and get back to some spellwork. Today I will only be teaching you a single spell, but it is one of the most useful spells I will teach you. The use of this spell is commonly the way to end formal duels - if you opponent is disarmed, then they have no method of attacking and, therefore, are defeated.


The Disarming Charm: Expelliarmus 

English expel, meaning "remove" and Latin arma, meaning "weapon" or "the weapon".

The Disarming Charm, also known as the Expelliarmus Spell or Disarming Spell (Expelliarmus) was a defensive charm which forced the victim to release whatever they were holding at the time, and sometimes block spells, usually against his or her will. It is common to see this spell used in duels, to make an opponent release their wand.

The Disarming Charm causes whatever an opponent is holding at the time - usually a wand - to fly high out of their reach; and can also be used to block spells, however, more enthusiastic casts can result in the victim of the charm being knocked unconscious in a similar manner to the Stunning Spell. If done too weakly, however, it will merely blow them back a few paces, or make their hair stand on end. If one mispronounces the spell's incantation as Expellimellius, the victim's sleeves will be set aflame.

Continuing our tradition, I will continue to provide you with the spell blocks for each spell that we learn this year. Below you will find the block for the Disarming Charm.

Spell: The Disarming Charm
Incantation: Expelliarmus (ex-PELL-ee-ARE-muss)
Wand Movement: A clockwise swirl ending with an outward swish up and to the left
Concentration: Moderate. Must focus on making the target release their wand.
Willpower: Moderate

Now let´s practide this spell.



Forhomework I want you to practise this spell and write a small essay making up a story about once you have to use this spell (100 words minimun)
Which brings us to the end of your second lesson.  Until next time.  Class dismissed!

Aquí os dejo algún vídeo hecho por fans

Como hacer el efecto expelliarmus en adobe after effects

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