martes, 3 de julio de 2018

Herbology 102. Non Magic Plants - Roses

 Segunda clase de Herbología para los alumnos de 1º y vamos a hacer colonia. Para este año vamos a usar pétalos de rosa para hacer perfumes. 

Aquí os dejo unos videos de como hacer perfume de rosas de una forma sencilla

Gather ‘round, students. Yes, come right up to the front; that’s it! You don’t want to miss today’s topic, that’s for sure. In this lesson, we will be differentiating non-magical plants from magical plants. I also have an example of a non-magical plant here, as I see many of you have noticed. We will be talking about these beautiful roses as a way to use them for several purposes

Herbology 102. Non Magical Plants - Roses

Let’s get started, shall we? I went on and on in your first lesson about how non-magical plants are important and can actually be very useful. The truth is, witches and wizards can -- and do -- use both magical and non-magical plants in their day-to-day lives. There are scores of non-magical plants used in even some of the most complex potions! Because of this, using a plant in a potion is not enough on its own to make the chosen herb be considered magical

Now that we have those distinctions out of the way, I would like to look at a prime example of the usefulness of non-magical plants: the rose

So let´s  get practical. Next year I will explain you many uses for this plants but this year we are going to make our own rose esscences and perfumes. Did you bring the neccessry material? Yes?...OK. Get ready

- First gather your roses petals and put them  inside your pestle
- Smooth them in a fine and consistent paste
- Add water and continue with 
- Repeat the last operation addind a bit of water each time

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