viernes, 9 de noviembre de 2018

Potions 201. Introduction to Potions. What we need

Lesson 1: What we need

Bienvenidos un año más a nuestra aula de pociones. Este año empezaremos repasando el material necesario para nuestras clases así como las reglas básicas de seguridad dentro del laboratorio
Primero vemos un videosuperdivertido hecho por un fan, recordando la entrada de Snape en su clase de Pociones en el primer año de Harry Potter en Hogwarts

Hello children and welcome to a new year in Potions lab. During this year we will learn some new potions and the way  to brew them but first a bit of theory

Potions 201. What We Need

The most iconic tool used by the potioneer is the cauldron. Cauldrons are made of various materials and come in many sizes. There are three common materials used for cauldrons in Great Britain: Pewter; Brass and CopperAnother important tool for our Potions class are the googles and the dragon-hide gloves, since many of the ingredients we use in class are highly toxic or irritating when one comes in contact with your eyes, So please this year bring this material just in case we could need them


Patience is also your friend when it comes to new potion recipes. In any lesson where we are working with actual ingredients or potions, please wait until you have received all of your instructions before touching anything

In any event, the most important thing to remember in the event of an accident is not to panic. Take precautions to ensure your own safety first, and then come find m

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Now let´s getto work... Like last year I want you to label your phials with the name of the two potions we are going to learn this year:

In this light I am goig to show you how to label your phials properly

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