sábado, 10 de noviembre de 2018

Potions 101. Introduction to Potions. What we need

En esta primera lección de Pociones vamos a establecer las normas básicas de seguridad y el material necesario para elaborar nuestras pociones a lo largo del año. Para ello utilizaremos material real y algún dibujo para explicar

Proffesor Snape, chief of the Slytherin House is waiting paciently for the students to enter in the classroom situated in the dungeons of the Hogwarts´ Castle:  
"There will be no foolish wand- waving or silly incantations in this class. As such, I don´t expect many of you to appreciate the subtle science and exact art that is Ption-making. However, for those selected few who possess the predisposition ... I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and snare the senses. I can tell you how to bottle fame, brew glory and even put a stop to death"

Severus Snape. From Harry Potter and the Sorcerer´s Stone (2001)

imagen cedida por the leaky cauldron.org

In this, your first Potions lesson, you will learn about the most important an basic material needed in order to attend this classroom and elaborate your potions. Don´t worry my friends thus in this first year we will not elaborate dangeorus potions so safety rules and material won´t be too much neccesary and we will discuss it in following years

Potions 101. What We Need

As for the material we will begin with the most simple instruments that you will need in the classroom. Obviously the most iconic tool used by the potioneer is the cauldron. There are different type of cauldrons an we will see the main differences among the in the following years. 

imagen cedida por  Pottermore.com

Another important tool for our Potions class are the googles and the dragon-hide gloves, since many of the ingredients we use in class are highly toxic or irritating when one comes in contact with your eyes, althouh as I have said before you will not need them in this first year


image from hogwartsishere.com

I would also like to cover the most  basic classroom and lab safety rule: do not stick your wand into the potion! As much protective magic as your wand holds, that is never, ever a good idea, and your wand wood will not thank you for it! Hold your wand over the cauldron, say the incantation, and move your wand in slow, steady circles. You may have a wooden stirring utensil of some sort as well.

texto cedido por Hogwartsisere

So what I want from you today is simply to label your phial with the name of the potion we are going to make next week: The Cure for Boils

Class dissmissed....

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