jueves, 15 de noviembre de 2018

Charms 601. Describe your Wand - How did you get your Wand?

Primero empezamos con el taller de varitas que los alumnos han realizado o elaborado en su casa con el material que ellos han decidido previamente. Recordamos que deben dejar volar la imaginación aunque en internet hay miles de páginas web con ideas


Seguimos con la segunda lección para los alumnos de 6º. En este caso deberán describir el modo en el que consiguieron su varita. El lugar (normalmente Ollivanders´) aunque también puede ser otro lugar o incluso una varita heredada.

La forma puede ser una redacción aunque también se pueden admitir otros formatos como fotografías o incluso un vídeo haciendo una pequeña representación o role play

Welcome again my dear students... This will be our last year together, Oh.. dear don´t worry; I think everyone of you is ready to fly away and show the abilities we have learnt these last years

We have learned a lot about wands during these years, so naturally now I want to learn about your wand! What I want to know is how you got your wand. Most witches and wizards just starting their magical education find themselves going to Ollivanders, the premier wand crafter in Great Britain (and, some would argue, the world). However, some may find that they can't afford a new wand and must use an inherited one, or else they may have purchased one from another wandmaker.

Coleman's Book Of Wands
Chapter 2 of 11 . How To Acquire A Wand

As we learned in Chapter One, a Witch or Wizard must use a wand in order to properly channel their magic ability. So, in order to see what your magic is capable of, you must first acquire a wand of course! Most Witches and Wizards get their first wand when they turn eleven years old, right before they begin their magical schooling. They often times purchase their wands from a Wandmaker or Wand Shop. Among one of the finest Wand Shops in Great Britain is Ollivander's Wand Shop. It is located on the South Side of Diagon Alley and has been proudly run by the Ollivander family since 382 b.c. (In later chapters we will go into further detail on Wandmakers and Wandshops)

imagenes cedidas por HarryPotter.wiki.com

For some families, it is common to have a wand past down from sibling to sibling. This wand that is passed down to them may not choose to obey the new user completely at first. But over time it can adapt to the new owner. The amount of time it takes for a wand to adapt to a new owner depends on the wand's material and characteristics (Core, Wood, Length). It has been recorded that some wands have been passed down through families for centuries and never weakened in strength or casting ability! Keep in mind that stolen wands may reject their new users, causing spells to be cast improperly or even refusing to cast spells at all. But again, how fast a wand selects a new owner highly depends on what it is made from and it's personality. Some wands can change owners very quickly while others can never truly bond or obey a new owner.

There has been stories of Witches and Wizards learning to channel their magic from just the magical core, without it being place in wood and formed into a wand. Several Wandmakers I have interviewed mentioned this rumor, which made it interesting to hear from so many people form different areas around the world. But this is just a myth, for now.

Your assignment should be at least two paragraphs of 4-5 sentences each minimum:100 words (not including the wand details above). Use the three paragraphs to describe the details of how you obtained your wand in any fashion you wish (you can recount the experience as though writing to a friend or write it in the form of a role-play if you wish). A further description of your wand details might help you to raise your mark, so please make sure to focus on how you got your wand, but also your wand details say about you.

You can also make a video simulating a role play in which you act like a students who goes to Ollivanders and buys his/her first wand.... 

Imagen cedida por Pottermore.com

Para ello podemos ver la escena de la película en la que Harry Potter consigue su varita


Aquí os dejo también un vídeo de un aficionado grabado en los estudios de Orlando 


Y otro con muñecos de Lego también muy divertido


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