miércoles, 7 de noviembre de 2018

Potions 301. Introduction to Potions. What we need - Safety Rules

La primera lección de Pociones en 3º de Primaria empieza repasando las normas básicas de seguridad

Hello my friends and welcome to another year in Potions. This year we will be studying the famous Arsenious Jigger book: Magical Drafts and Potions

Let´s begin by remembering properly the basic safety rules in the Potion´s Laboratory.
 It is very important to follow directions when brewing a potion in a non-research based scenario. Inexperienced potioneers in particular can cause some rather nasty effects on themselves and others if they don’t take proper precautions.

Potions 301. What We Need
Safety Rules

With regard to the Safety Rules we will point to the most important and basic ones:

I will like to cover some basic classroom and lab safety. While I am rather flexible when it comes to theory and expression of individuality, I do not afford any leniency when it comes to safety both in and out of class. Many of the ingredients we use in class are highly toxic or irritating when one comes in contact with them, and a simple accident can result in severe damage or even death. As such, misuse of classroom instruments or inability to heed basic safety will result in expulsion from the classroom or more serious repercussions

In terms of dress code, please remember to wear sufficient covering and closed-toed shoes. Bare skin is particularly prone to exposure through spills and splashes

Also, please do not wear overly bulky garments, as they can snag on instruments and impede movement

Students should remove any long-hanging jewelry and pin hair back if it is long to ensure it does not catch or fall into the cauldron

Remember to wear dragon-hide gloves as necessary, and always wear your goggles while working with potion

Patience is also your friend when it comes to new potion recipes. In any lesson where we are working with actual ingredients or potions, please wait until you have received all of your instructions before touching anything

In any event, the most important thing to remember in the event of an accident is not to panic. Take precautions to ensure your own safety first, and then come find me

Additionally, if you see a fellow student sustain an injury, do not immediately run to help them. I know you all have the best intentions in mind, but it is best if you stand away from any potential danger. Getting involved will only complicate matters and may cause you to get injured as well

- Make sure that you always clean your cauldron thoroughly after you finish bottling your potion. If you don't remember to clean your cauldron, or if you do so sloppily, any remnants of your old brews will interact with anything new that you try to brew. It is also important to clean all of your implements between use, as even individual ingredients can react poorly to one another and taint your brew

As I mentioned previously, do not stick your wand into the potion! As much protective magic as your wand holds, that is never, ever a good idea, and your wand wood will not thank you for it! Hold your wand over the cauldron, say the incantation, and move your wand in slow, steady circles

Texto cedido por hogwartsishere.com

Now I am going to teach a different way of labelling your potions that I want you to use in this and the following year

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