martes, 6 de noviembre de 2018

Potions 401. Introduction toPotions. What we need - Brewing and Storing Potions

Estamos en el cuarto año de Pociones y para esta primera lección vamos a recordar los diferentes materiales ya las cualidades que tienen los instrumentos que vamos a utilizar en esta clase; además recordaremos las medidas de seguridad básicas en el aula y aprenderemos como embotellar y guardar una poción correctamente

Para ello vamos a pedir a los alumnos y alumnas  que elaboren las etiquetas que vamos a usar este año para realizar dos pociones. En esas etiquetas deberán aparecer el nombre de la poción, sus efectos, ingredientes,fecha de preparación y de espiración de sus efectos; así como de caducidad y efectos secundarios. Finalmente tendrán que escribir su modo de uso. Todo ello en una tarjeta que deberán guardar. También deberán realizar una pegatina o etiqueta que usaran para pegar en el frasco que vayan a usar para esas dos pociones de este cuarto año


Hello again my little masters in Potions. This year we are going to elaborate advanced potions and I need you first to learn how to label a potion properly. I hope everybody has brought two phials. If you dind´t bring them don´t worry, just take one of my own personal store. So let´s begin, but first a bit of theory

Potions 401. Brewing and storing potions

Brewing potions is a sensitive and difficult enough endeavor even if you do pay attention to easily controlled variables, so there is no excuse for letting those variables go unheeded. Creating a potion can also be a very dangerous process that, if done incorrectly, can lead to painful injury and, in some cases, death. As such, both proper procedure and proper safety - some of which we learned in our first lessons - are some of the biggest things I want you to take away from this foundational year of Potions. However, do not fear: I promise I will be fair, if slightly tight-lipped, next lesson during our lab.

So, skipping ahead in sequence, you followed all of the instructions, and your potion is brewed correctly! Now you need a means to store it. Currently, the most common storing mechanisms used for potions storage are glass or crystal phials. These phials can either be completely clear or slightly tinted for potions that may require storage in dark or dim areas for maximum efficiency. The potion can either be poured through a funnel into the phial, or a Siphoning Charm can be used to transport it from a larger cauldron to be stored.

Many potions can be used immediately after brewing. However, some require time for the ingredients to mature and for certain chemical and magical processes to “settle”, for lack of a better word. Additional magical reactions may have to occur. Most texts will list this maturity as the Total Brew Time (TBT), so be mindful of that as well. As well as the TBT, most detailed recipe books will also indicate how long a potion can be stored before it should be safely discarded. It is important to consult theexpiration date before using a potion.

Always label your phials clearly with the name of the potion, effect, ingredients, date brewed, expiration date, usage, and any warnings about allergies or side effects. Having all of this information is crucial to ensuring you do not confuse potions or expiration dates, or that if any emergency prompts someone to have to access your potions cabinet, they can find the proper potion immediately. If you keep certain potions on-hand for specific allergies or to treat chronic diseases, it’s wise to keep those very clearly labeled or marked for easy access.
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Remember that all the information regarding this matter can be found in the library 

- Magical Drifts and Potions

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Now let´s get to work:

Take your phial number one and label just as I have written in the board. The name of this potion is 

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