Seguimos con l@s alumn@s de primer curso y seguimos con los hechizos mas sencillos. En este otro hechizo muy sencillo: El hechizo de levitación.
Primero ponemos el vídeo donde Hermine realiza este hechizo tan sencillo
imagen cedida por
Lesson 3: Wingardium Leviosa
Welcome my little students once again to this classroom. The last time we learnt two easy spells: Lumos and Nox. I hope you have practise them at home
Today we are going to learn another very simple spell: The Levitation Spell
The Levitation Charm, invented by Jarleth Hobart, is the closest the Wizarding World has come to true flight. The charm is easy enough that you will learn it as first year students. It allows the caster to control not only the vertical movement of an object but its movement back and forth or side to side. Height is also less of a restriction, though levitating or maintaining levitation on something very far away can be difficult. The charm even allows you to lift objects normally too heavy for you to lift yourself, though this also requires some effort
Incantation: Wingardium Leviosa (win-GAR-dee-um levi-O-sa)
Wand Movement: Swish and flick
Willpower: Low; Visualize your energy coming from your body and lifting the object.
Concentration: Moderate; on the thing you want to levitate
As you say Wingardium start the “Swish” motion. Time the swish so that it ends just after you begin saying Leviosa. Then, as you finish saying Leviosa, do the “Flick.” And remember, keep your mind focused on the target of your spell and visualize drawing energy from your body as we practiced before. I know it may take some time for you to get used to doing all of these things at once, but with practice, casting this spell and many others will become easier.
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