lunes, 9 de abril de 2018

History of Hogwarts 303. The Houses Relics

 En esta tercera clase de Historia de Hogwarts para el tercer año de primaria vamos a seguir hablando de las casas que compone el colegio de Magia y Hechicería. En este sentido ya hemos visto sus fundadores, sus salas comunes y este año vamos a hablar de las reliquias de cada una de esas casas; es decir de los objeto mágicos que pertenecían a cada uno de los fundadores de las 4 casas de Hogwarts (algunas de las cuales luego descubriremos que se convertirán en las famosas Reliquias de la Muerte)

Dpués de estudiar estas reliquias cada miembro intentará construir cada una de las reliquias que corresponden a su casa 

Aquí os dejo unos vídeos de como poder hacerlo

Gryffindor Sword

Ravenclaw Diadem-

Hufflepuff Cup - 

Slytherin Locket -


Hello Hello again ....

History of Hogwarts 303. Houses Relics

The Sword of Gryffindor was a thousand-year-old, goblin-made magical sword owned by the famed wizard Godric Gryffindor, one of the four founders of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Much like a wand, the sword of Gryffindor appears to be almost sentient, responding to appeals for help by Gryffindor's chosen successors. Whenever a "true Gryffindor" needs it, the Sword will let itself be pulled out of another of Godric Gryffindor's artefacts - the Sorting Hat. As Goblin's silver, it imbibes only substances which strengthens it, which can then be used against enemies. This means that it never requires cleaning

Ravenclaw's Diadem was the only known relic once belonging to Rowena Ravenclaw, the founder of Ravenclaw House. It was said to enhance the wisdom of its wearer, which is Ravenclaw House's most treasured attribute. It had a blue sapphire shaped like an oval. Helena Ravenclaw, Rowena's daughter, greatly envied the attention her mother received. She stole her mother's diadem, in hope of using its power to make herself wiser, and fled Hogwarts. (Thats why it is also known as the Lost Diadem of Ravenclaw). As Rowena Ravenclaw was a very intelligent and powerful witch, it is most likely she enchanted the diadem herself, charming the object to increase the wearer's intelligence. Rowena died shortly after her daughter, Helena, stole the diadem.

Hufflepuff's Cup was a magical item created by Helga Hufflepuff, It was a small golden cup with two finely-wrought handles with a badger engraved on the side and a few jewels. The badger is the symbol of Hufflepuff House.The cup was said to possess many magical powers; Hufflepuff was brilliant with food-related charms and with house-elves, so the cup may have been the very first dining utensil at Hogwarts to assist in the magical transportation of food from the House-Elf Kitchens. The cup remained with Hufflepuff until Tom Riddle, or Lord Voldemort as he called himself at that point, transformed the cup into his fourth Horcrux,

Slytherin's Locket was a piece of jewellery originally owned by Salazar Slytherin that became an heirloom of his family. It was a locket of heavy gold with a serpentine S in glittering green stone inlay on the fron. After descending down from Slytherin, it came into the possession of a young Tom Riddle, who was an employee of Borgin and Burkes at the time (Using the murder of a Muggle tramp). Riddle turned the locket into his third Horcrux and hid it in a seaside cave. The locket was a creation of Salazar Slytherin who enchanted it so that only a Parselmouth, like himself, could open it

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