viernes, 12 de octubre de 2018

Herbology 201. Introduction to Herbology. Plants Needs

Segundo año en Hogwarts y primera clase de Herbología de este año. Si el año pasado empezábamos con algo sencillo como son las partes de una planta. Este año también comenzaremos con algo de teoría también sencilla. ¿Que necesita una planta para vivir?

Herbology 201: Introduction to Herbology

Hello again, students! Come in, come in. Welcome back to Greenhouse One. Today we will be going over the basics of how to care for plants. As this is a compulsory subject, I know many of you have been dreading attempting to actually care for a plant, but even those of you with black thumbs can overcome your plant-based fears! There’s really nothing to it other than a little tender, loving care. In addition to basic plant needs, we will go over a few simple, but useful, spells, the general life cycle of a plant.

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Basic Plant Needs

I’m sure all of you know that plants need sunlight, soil, and water to grow, but you may be a little hazy on the specifics. In truth, those specifics vary from plant to plant. it's important to consider an individual plant's needs before planting, we will only touch upon the fundamentals today 

When planting, you need to make sure that you know how much sun an area gets during a normal day, yes, but there are many other specifics to consider. Not only is how many hours of sun that patch gets an important factor, but also when those hours are. Sunlight during the morning, afternoon, or evening can have different effects on a plant, depending on its fragility. Some plants cannot handle the intense morning rays, and prefer to soak up the gentler evening sun. There are, in fact, plants that are placed in deep shade, rather than in the sun, and thrive there. In fact, some plants cannot handle direct sunlight at all!

As stated earlier, every plant has personal needs and preferences, and some plants simply cannot survive with too much water! Succulents, for example, may comfortably go weeks without water, so it’s all a matter of knowing the kind of plant you’re dealing with. Additionally, when watering a plant, you must also consider the drainage of the area you are watering. If the plant is outside, you must consider if the soil is very fine or rocky in order to make this same judgement.

It may surprise some of you to know that not all soil is created equal. Different areas of land have different nutrient levels, which depend on climate, what other plants have grown in the area, and other extraneous factors. It is important to know what kind of soil you have and, as mentioned above, if it’s fine and sandy, rocky, or rich with loam. Additionally, knowing if it is nutrient rich or stripped bare is useful. Along those same lines, the pH balance of the soil is quite important and can either help or hinder the growth of your plants. For those of you who are not aware of what the pH scale is, it simply measures how acidic or basic a substance (in this case, soil) is.
The range as it pertains to soil is generally from 4.5 to 9, though the entire scale reaches from 0 to 14. 7 is considered the neutral point from which basicity and acidity are measured.1 If your soil is above 7, it is basic. If it is below 7, it is acidic.

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What I want you today is to make a small project about plants´ needs. I would like from you a poster or diorama about the different things a plant need to survive. Then we eill begin our project


Como el año pasado vamos a comenzar también con un proyecto, pero este año vamos a plantar las semillas (pueden se de lo que quieran) en unas cascaras de huevos que también vamos a decorar para que queden mas chulas

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