sábado, 13 de octubre de 2018

Herbology 101. Introduction to Herbology. Parts of a Plant

Empezamos las clases de Herbología, una clase que podemos perfectamente unir a las clases de Natural Science que se dan en primero de primaria y como introducción a esta asignatura en este primer año simplemente aprendemos con los niños y niñas de 1º las partes de una planta. Para ello podemos utilizar unos dibujos sencillos y algún vídeo

Herbology 101: Introduction to Herbology

Welcome to Herbology 101! I hope you’re all as excited to learn about plants as I am to share my knowledge of and passion for them with a fresh crop of students. I am Professor Rubby Plank, and I hope that we will get to know each other very well over the next seven years. I am passionate about herbology, so if you have questions on the material -- either because you don’t understand, or are curious and want more information -- I am available for questions or concerns. In the meantime, I look forward to grading your assignments, getting to know you, and running into you around the castle.

Now, what is herbology? Herbology is the study, along with the use, of magical and non-magical plants. Yes, we will be studying both! A herbologist is any witch or wizard who understands the properties and nature of plants, particularly one who uses their knowledge not only to grow said plants, but to enrich the world around them in a multitude of ways.

texto cedido por Hogwartsishere.com

imagen cedida por Pinterest.com

Let us begin with the most basic lesson about this matter. The parts of a plant:

Parts of Plant for Kids

Roots originate from the lower portion of a plant and they are in the soil. Their functions are to absorb nutrients and moisture, anchor the plant in the soil, support the stem, and store food such as carrots. In some plants, they can be used for propagation.

The stem is the upper part of the plant and bears branches, leaves, flowers and fruits. Stem is generally green when young and later often become woody and dark brown. It conducts water and minerals from the root to the leaves. Some stems perform the function of storage of food for example potato, ginger, turmeric

A bud is an undeveloped shoot from which leaves or flower parts grow. Enlarged buds or parts of buds also form the edible portion of some crops for example cabbage.

Leaves provide trees with all their food because they turn sunlight into food energy through photosynthesis. Leaves also make the oxygen in the air that we breathe.

Flowers generally are the showiest part of a plant. Their beauty and fragrance attract pollinators (insects or birds) that play an important role in the reproductive process.

Fruit is the fleshy structure of certain plants that may be sweet and edible in the raw state, such as apples, oranges, grapes etc. It also consists of seeds which are for propagation of plant. The seed contain food which supplies energy and materials for growth until the plant grows its first leaves above the ground.

texto cedido por tutorvista.com

imagen cedida por kidsgrowingstrong.com

Finalmente podemos decir a los niños que decoren un dibujo de una planta... algo sencillo para esta primera clase
imagen cedida por supertacherworksheets.com    

Y empezamos el proyecto. Para ello vamos a plantar unas legumbres (lentejas, judías o garbanzos). Usaremos vasos de plástico o bolsas para poder observar mejor las partes de una planta. 


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