miércoles, 10 de octubre de 2018

Herbology 301. Introduction to Herbology. The Life Cycle of a Plant

El 3er año de Herbología l@s alumn@s de tercero empiezan recordando los años anteriores (partes de una planta y necesidades de una planta) y amplían un poco esta información basándose en la vida de una planta como ser vivo

Welcome my friends to the first herbology class in our third year un Hogwarts. I hope you are enjoying these classes and I expect for you to become herbology masters. But first as usually a bit of theory. First and second year we learn about plants´parts and needs, this year we will begin with the plants´ life phases.

Herbology 301. Introduction to Herbology
The Life Cycle of a Plant

Lifespan is a delicate topic due to the fact that we often must cut a plant's life short for medicinal or experimental purposes. Ignoring these occurrences, a normal plant’s lifespan can range wildly, between mere weeks and five thousand years -- although the records kept on these much older plants lack sufficient information on planting dates to confirm this. As a rule, your average annual plant, like pansies or peas, have the shortest lifespans, whereas trees tend to have the longest lifespans. However, cacti also have lengthy lives. A plant’s lifespan becomes important when considering the many stages of a plant’s life. 


Those of you with some experience with plants know that this stage is an oversimplification of a few, smaller stages. Essentially, we are combining the plant’s life from seed, to sprout, to maturation. This stage typically ends when the plant grows into what is generally recognizable as a fully-formed plant and is a very exciting time for both you and the plant, particularly if you are new to herbology. The little shoots that you are tending may seem so fragile, and you may have little experience with growing that particular type of plant, but the most important thing you can do during this stage is be patient and aware of your timeline. Don’t overwater or disturb the plant in an attempt to get it to grow faster! 


Repotting may be required quite often, or not at all, depending on how you are caring for your plant. Naturally, an outdoor plant will not need to be repotted, for example! A plant needs to be repotted when it has grown too big for its current container and has stopped growing due to a lack of room, or has even begun wilting because of it. The plant will enjoy the extra breathing room of a new pot, and this will often boost a plant's growth. While most plants will require the same amount of sunlight, the amount of water needed will often either increase or decrease. All of these factors are very important and not to be taken lightly. 

Again, depending on the plant, harvesting may happen rather frequently. This typically involves cutting off one piece of a plant for use apart from the original plant. For example, picking an apple off of a tree is the harvesting of apples. With some plants, like an apple tree or dandelions, harvesting can be as simple as plucking something with your hands. However, with some more finicky or dangerous plants, using your hands (even with dragonhide gloves) may not be an option.

texto cedido por Hogwartsishere.com

The first assigment I send you today is very simple. I want you to choose a plant with a fruit and draw a picture about itls lifespam, from the moment it borns and grows till the moment of the harvest.

imagen cedida por kidsworldfun.com                  imagen cedida por snowguides,info
imagen cedida por hative,com

Este año vamos a plantar frutas o verduras para poder trasplantarlas luego a un lugar mas espacioso y vamos a tener así un pequeño huerto para poder cuidar de él, y poder recolectar sus frutos. Así vemos el ciclo de una planta de forma práctica
Aquí os dejo un video ilustrativo


Finalmente os dejo el vídeo divertido de Harry Potter donde replantan las Mandrágoras para un mejor crecimiento y uso

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