martes, 23 de octubre de 2018

Defence Against Dark Arts 201. Introduction to Dark Arts. The Slowing Down Charm - Impedimenta

Bienvenidos al segundo año de Defensa Contra las Artes Oscuras. El año pasado vimos las criaturas mas conocidas como los hombres lobo, los vampiros o los zombies y uno de los hechizos más sencillos para repeler a esas criaturas. Este año aprenderemos a utilizar otro sencillo hechizo para mantener a raya a estas criaturas
Defense Against the Dark Arts 201: An Introduction to Dark Arts

It is impossible to say that there is a “beginning” to the Dark Arts; as long as there has been light, there has been dark. This balance is one that the universe creates itself - there cannot be one without the other. The “Dark Arts” is a term that covers anything that has the intent to harm, injure, or even kill another person. 

Those who desire and actively seek power will frequently dabble in the Dark Arts. Once the Dark Arts have a hold on you, they never let you go; once you cast your first Dark spell with malicious intent, they will continue to corrupt you, make you incapable of resisting the power you felt when you used that first spell. 

The scariest part of the Dark Arts is that they can never be defeated - can never be completely known. Once we know them, once we have “beaten” one aspect of them, another will take its place and the beaten branch will simply come back stronger than before; it will have learned new tricks that make the old methods ineffective. We can never conquer the Dark Arts... we can only hold them back.

Despite the fact that it is essentially impossible to “know” the Dark Arts, the Ministry has made an effort to understand them by creating five categories of known Dark magic: Dark spells, Dark potions, Dark creatures, Dark Artefacts, and Dark practices. In this course, we will primarily be focusing on the Dark spells and Dark creatures. 

So after talking about Dark Arts and Dark Creatures we will learn a new spell in order to protect ourselves. 

Impedimenta- This spell slows down people attacking you so you can easily get away.
In order to effectively cast it, you must focus on the desired effect. The enchantation of this spell is “Impedimenta” (im-PED-a-MEN-ta). The wand movement is a horizontal slash that starts on the left and moves to the right.

Aqui os dejo un ejemplo hecho por un fan

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