Empezamos un nuevo año en la asignatura de Defensa Contra las Artes Oscuras y ya nuestros niños son mayores para empezar a comprender el concepto y los peligros que entraña el uso de esta magia negra
Los dos primeros años hablamos a los niños y niñas de 1º y 2º sobre monstruos y criaturas oscuras típicas como los vampiros, los hombres lobos... En este año empezamos con una clasificación un poco mas exhaustiva sobre las diferentes criaturas que pueblan el mundo de la magia oscura
Hello my little witches and wizards. I hope you had a goos summer. Welcome to our 3rd year in Defense Agaisn the Dark Arts. This year we will learn to fight against different creatures (beasts) and how to defend ourselves
Each creature that is categorized as a beast is given a classification. There are five levels of classification that range from “boring” to “known wizard killer.”
· X: Boring
· XX: Harmless
· XXX: Competent Wizards Should Cope
· XXXX: Dangerous/Specialist Training Required
· XXXXX: Known Wizard Killer
As First Year students in this first Defense Against the Dark Arts course, we will mostly be studying creatures that are classified as XX and XXX. These creatures are fairly easy to deal with and, with the proper training that I will provide, you should have no problems handling them.
They are small brown creatures that stand no taller than one foot. They love to make their home near wizarding homes, digging up gardens and living in gnome holes. They are rated XX by the Ministry of Magic and are typically viewed as pests that are best to be removed from the home.
Doxies and Pixies
We will be using the following book: Defense Agains Dark Arts Basic for Beginners by Arsenius Jigger
Defense Against Dark Arts 301: An Introduction to Dark Arts
Beasts and Their Classifications
Beasts and Their Classifications
Each creature that is categorized as a beast is given a classification. There are five levels of classification that range from “boring” to “known wizard killer.”
· X: Boring
· XX: Harmless
· XXX: Competent Wizards Should Cope
· XXXX: Dangerous/Specialist Training Required
· XXXXX: Known Wizard Killer
As First Year students in this first Defense Against the Dark Arts course, we will mostly be studying creatures that are classified as XX and XXX. These creatures are fairly easy to deal with and, with the proper training that I will provide, you should have no problems handling them.
They are small brown creatures that stand no taller than one foot. They love to make their home near wizarding homes, digging up gardens and living in gnome holes. They are rated XX by the Ministry of Magic and are typically viewed as pests that are best to be removed from the home.
Doxies and Pixies
The Doxy, also known as the “biting fairy”, is a small creature with the ability to fly. You will immediately recognize a Doxy by several distinguishing characteristics - namely its blue skin and its extra set of arms and legs. They only have two wings. They also have two rows of razor sharp teeth,whose bites can be much more dangerous since Doxy teeth will inject venom into the bite victim
So today we will learn a new speel in order to repel those creatures as well to defend from their atack
The spell I will teach you, the Immobilization Charm, can be cast on several targets at once, making it an ideal defense for a group attack. As the name suggests, the Immobilization Charm causes all targets under its effect to freeze. For a short duration, the targets will be completely immobile.
The incantation for the Immobilization Charm is “Immobulus” (ih-MOH-byoo-luhs). While saying this, you must move your wand up and to the right, then down to the right,
texto y fotos cedidos por Hogwartsishere.com.
The spell I will teach you, the Immobilization Charm, can be cast on several targets at once, making it an ideal defense for a group attack. As the name suggests, the Immobilization Charm causes all targets under its effect to freeze. For a short duration, the targets will be completely immobile.
The incantation for the Immobilization Charm is “Immobulus” (ih-MOH-byoo-luhs). While saying this, you must move your wand up and to the right, then down to the right,
Aquí vemos un vídeo donde Hermione nos hace una demostración de este hechizo
Learning to take the defensive is critical, but it is also important that you learn when it is best to go on the offensive. A Gnomeis a guardian and will only take to the offensive when it absolutely has to. An Doxie, on the other hand, will attack just because it can.
That leaves us with one final thought. Which type of witch or wizard are you? Are you the type who will go straight to the offensive or will you stay back and defend, attacking only when necessary? Being able to answer this question will serve you well as you move forward and will be placed in more difficult situations where you will need to know how you normally react in order to best determine the most effective defense for yourself. Defend or attack?
Please make an essay about 30 words about these questions
Learning to take the defensive is critical, but it is also important that you learn when it is best to go on the offensive. A Gnomeis a guardian and will only take to the offensive when it absolutely has to. An Doxie, on the other hand, will attack just because it can.
That leaves us with one final thought. Which type of witch or wizard are you? Are you the type who will go straight to the offensive or will you stay back and defend, attacking only when necessary? Being able to answer this question will serve you well as you move forward and will be placed in more difficult situations where you will need to know how you normally react in order to best determine the most effective defense for yourself. Defend or attack?
Please make an essay about 30 words about these questions
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