miércoles, 31 de octubre de 2018

Defence Against Dark Arts 101. Introduction to Dark Arts. The Boggart Defence Charm - Ridikulus

Empezamos este primer año de Defensa contra las Artes Oscuras y aprovechamos la cercanía de Halloween para hablar a l@s niñ@s de las diferentes criaturas oscuras que salen en esta noche (brujas, vampiros, momias....) y les enseñamos un sencillo hechizo para poder derrotar a estas criaturas 
Primero les damos un dibujo de varios monstruos o criaturas para que decoren y luego les enseñamos el hechizo "Riddikulus" con el cual pueden derrotar a estas criaturas de la noche. Para ello necesitamos con la colaboración de un par de profesores que se disfracen como alguno de esos monstruos y que los niños traten de detenerles mediante el uso de esos hechizos. Explicamos a los niños y niñas que con el hechizo se consigue que el monstruo que nos va a atacar realice acciones disparatadas como ponerse a bailar o a cantar o dar saltitos a la pata coja....

Lesson 1: Dark creatures and Simple Defence Spells

Welcome to your first lesson of Defense Against the Dark Arts. I will be your professor for this course and hope that, over the next seven years, I will be able to adequately prepare you to face the world beyond these castle walls - a world full of Dark creatures and Dark witches and wizards

Since this is your first exposure to the Dark Arts, we will not be going too in-depth this term. We will cover some basic creatures and how to defend against them, if they need to be defended against, as well as a few simple spells that will begin to build the foundation for your spellwork in future Years.

Texto cedido por Hogwartsishere.com

But first of all remember that today is Halloween night and many dark creatures have the opportunity to get out and show their dark powers.
Can you name some of those creatures?... yes, black witches, vampires, zombies, werewolfs... those are some examples of Dark Monsters that we have to fight and defeat. In this light I will teach you some simple Defence Spells in order to fight those creatures

But first let´s use these simple pictures to recognize our enemies 

Imagenes cedidas por Pinterest.com

Now be careful because some of these creatures can be today inside our school. Remember that tiday it is Halloween. But dont panic. I am going to teach you one powerful spell that will help you fighting those monsters.


The charm that we are going to learn today is "Ridikulous". This spell allows you to make your opponent do different funny things like singing, dancing, hoping.... This spell will help you to make laugh of these creatures and so defeat them, because as you know "there isn´t anything as powerful as laugh"

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