miércoles, 26 de septiembre de 2018

Transfigurations 401. Introduction to Transfiguration. Branches of Transfiguration

Este año empezamos también con un poco de teoría ya que vamos a explicar brevemente las cuatro ramas dela Transfiguración. Después haremos un pequeño proyecto y una redacción

Transfiguration 401: Introduction to Transfiguration

There are four branches of transfiguration. They were defined in 1651 by a German transfigurist, Fritz Holtz. The different branches of transfiguration are transformation, vanishment, conjuration, and untransfiguration. They each have their own spells that fall within them and each will be taught during different years

This is a form that causes things to actually change from their original state into another, or alters the form of them.

Vanishment is a branch of transfiguration that allows the transfigurist to cause an object to disappear from the world. There are many theories on what actually happens to items that have vanished. Some believe that they disappear all together and can never be returned.

Conjuration spells are significantly more complicated than their vanishment counterparts. Conjured items are formed by pulling together the particles around us to create the object we desire, essentially opposite to the way in which items are vanished.

Untransfiguration is precisely what it sounds like. It is a series of spells that allow you to undo previous transfigurations

Remember that any information can be covered usig this year textbook

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