domingo, 23 de septiembre de 2018

Transfiguration 501. Introduction to Transfiguration. The Five Principal Exceptions

En el quinto año de Transformaciones empezamos con las excepciones; es decir las cosas que la magia no nos permite conjurar o transformar. Primero elaboramos un poster para decorar la clase con las diferentes excepciones a las leyes magicas. En segundo lugar l@s alumn@s de 5º escriben una redacción escogiendo primero una pregunta de la lista

Hello my dear friends and welcome back to my class. I hope this year you will be able to achieve the most spectacular transformations and conjuration spells. This year we wll begin a new book: Guide to Advanced Transfiguration by Proffessor Emeric Switchs

Transfiguration 501
Lesson 1: Introduction to Transfiguration

The Five Principal exceptions to Gamp´s Law

“Come in, please sit down. We have much to discuss today. Your wands will not be needed, but please pull out your ink and quill.”

Today we will be discussing the Five Principal Exceptions to Gamp’s Law. These exceptions tell us what we are unable to do within the science of transfiguration, particularly conjuration. While there may be additional things that are regulated by man-made magical law (the laws that are created by the Ministry of Magic that limit what we are legally allowed to do), the laws of magic (the natural laws of the universe that physically prevent us from being able to do certain things) are what the Five Principal Exceptions fall under.
These Principal Exceptions are food, magical energy, love, life, and knowledge. Each will be described in detail below.

Food is the first principal exception. Food cannot be conjured or transformed into existence. It can, however, be summoned or duplicated . It is possible to duplicate food but not conjure it from nothing. However, even if this were possible, it would be extremely dangerous because conjured items are not permanent. They will eventually disappear, it could cause extreme harm to the body. If you eat something and it is digested and used to create things within the body, anything associated with the digestion of that food would cease to exist, causing parts of the body to be damaged in the process.

Magical Energy
Magical energy is the second principal exception. I mentioned last yeran rthat matter cannot be created nor destroyed. This is also true of energy and, by extent, our inherent magical power. We can draw in this energy from ourselves and the world around us and shape it to perform spells, but there is currently no physical way to imbue something with a self preserving magical energy if it does not have it to begin with. This means that we cannot conjure materials, plants, or animals that have any natural magical ability. It is impossible to transfigure or conjure a dragon

Love is perhaps the most abstract of the exceptions, simply because the concept of love itself is abstract compared to the other exceptions. It isn’t something that can be seen or touched. It is an emotion, something that can only be internally felt and is different to each person. Love cannot be created falsely. While there are love potions such as Amortentia, they do not actually create love. Rather, they create a strong attraction that can be perceived as love.

Life cannot be created in any form. When something has died, that soul cannot be conjured to bring that thing back to life. In the same respect, conjured plants are not truly alive. They simply mimic the appearance of life while they are conjured. For instance, if you conjure a bouquet of flowers, they will not require food or water and they will not wilt and die. It is also important to note that conjured animals do not contain life, either, such as the birds

Knowledge is the final of the principal exceptions. It is impossible for someone to create knowledge that they do not have. For instance, you cannot conjure into your mind the entire understanding and ability to know the Spanish language. You can, however, conjure a book that teaches the language, presuming you know that the book exists and you are familiar with its content before conjuring

Well, there you have it! The Five Principal Exceptions of Gamp’s Law. I know it can be a lot to take in, so please feel free to contact me if you have any questions


texto e imagen cedidos por Hogwartsishere

Today is your first day in this class so what  I want you to write a small essay (about 70 words) answering one of these questions.

- What would happen if we conjurate food and we eat it?
- Can we transform an object into an animal and get food from it?
- Is love a true emption that we can conjure?
- Can we learn a new language without studying
- What would happen if we transform an object into a bird? Could it sing?

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