martes, 18 de septiembre de 2018

Astronomy 101: Introduction to Astronomy. Moon Phases

Bienvenidos a nuestra primera clase de Astronomía. En este primer año los alumnos van a aprender las bases de esta ciencia y para ello vamos a empezar con la importancia delos astros en el calendario. En este caso empezaremos por la luna y para ello los alumnos y alumnas de primero deben aprender las 4 fases principales de la luna 
Para ello vamos a hacer un proyecto superdivertido con unas toallitas desmaquillantes y una  cartulina 

My name is Professor Ivi Calidoscope, and I will be your astronomy professor for your following 6 years of astronomy at Hogwarts. Let’s talk about the field itself. Astronomers define “astronomy” as the study of the universe.
Today we are going to learn about one of the most important astros in our solar system: The Moon. 

Astronomy 101. An Introduction

We Know that the Moon is a Satelite that orbits the Earth.One interesting thing to note is that while the Moon appears to be lit, it does not produce light on its own. The light that you see coming from the Moon is actually reflected from the Sun. More discussion about the magical properties of moonlight will be covered next lesson.
Most of you have seen, at least from observation, that the Moon comes in different phases. There are four basic phases: Full Moon, First Quarter, New Moon and Third Quarter
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So, what I want from you this first day is to elaborate a project about the 4 basic phases of the Moon using these make-up cleanser tissues. I willprovide with them as well as the Sun and the Earth model in order to complete the Solar system
Let´s get to work



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