sábado, 8 de septiembre de 2018

Care of Magical Creatures 101. Pets

 En la primera lección de Cuidado de Criaturas Mágicas vamos a pedir a los niños y niñas de 1º cuso que simplemente traigan un peluche de casa; el que ellos escojan y que va a ser su mascota durante todo este curso.. Después pediremos que nos digan algo sobre esa mascota... También pueden hacer un dibujo 



Care of Magical Creatures 101.Pets
List Of Pets

Owls are one of the most popular pets in the entire series. Fans were introduced to Owls early on in the series after Harry received ‘Hedwig’ as a gift from Hagrid on his 11th birthday. Owls are not just used as pets though, we see them deliver letters and parcels throughout the series as well.


Another popular pet throughout the series is Cats. We see them used as pets and also as an Animagus form.

A not-so-popular pet option for Students at Hogwarts were Toads. Compared to Owls and Cats, Toads are by far the least popular pet among Hogwarts students (out of the three main ones).

Another no-so popular pet option for Students at Hogwarts were Rats. They weren’t mentioned as being allowed in Harry’s Hogwarts letter but we have to include them because of ‘Scabbers’. Ron had a pet rat while at Hogwarts, so we assume that they were also allowed as a pet.

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