viernes, 7 de septiembre de 2018

Care of Magical Creatures 201. Pets

 Al igual que el año pasado les pedimos a nuestros alumnos que hablen sobre la mascota que han elegido para este año de Hogwarts.... Puede ser un animal que tengan en casa o un peluche o puede ser una mascota inventada

Recordamos el vídeo que vimos el año pasado

Today's lesson will be on the Ministry of Magic’s Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures.

Care of Magical Creatures 201. Ministry of Magic - Classification of Creatures

The Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures is the Ministry of Magic department that oversees everything involving magical creatures. The department enforces creature law, gives licenses to appropriate applicants, handles complaints for creature abuse or misuse, and maintains two different forms of creature classification. The first form of classification is the three divisions. These three divisions are beast, being, and spirit. Every creature that is recognized by the department is placed into one of these groups

The Ministry of Magic has also created a Creature Classification Scale, to help enthusiasts realize the dangers of certain creatures. This scale is only used for creatures categorized as beasts, due to their varying nature. The classification is as follows:

X - Boring

XX - Harmless, may be domesticated

XXX - Competent wizard should cope

XXXX - Dangerous, requires specialist knowledge, skilled wizard may handle

XXXXX - Known wizard killer, impossible to train or domesticate

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