lunes, 10 de septiembre de 2018

Astronomy 601: Introdcution to Astronomy. Celestial Globe


Welcome again a new year to the Astronomy class. This will be our last year and I hope everybody is ready . This year we will be using Dr Appleton Rambosson  Astronomy´s Book. 

Lesson 3) Tools for Wizards and Viewing Tips

Wizards use many Muggle-made tools for observational astronomy, but we also use magic to modify some of those tools to make them more suitable for us.

The Lunascope and the Moon Chart

Suppose you want to throw a stargazing party at some future date and you want to invite people now, before they make other plans. Picking an appropriate night for the party is crucial to its success. The night of a full or nearly full Moon is a bad time for stargazing, as it washes out the image of any stars that appear close to it. Additionally, you would be unable to use your von Rheticus telescope, and even Moon viewing would be at its worst due to the absence of shadows cast by the mountains and the rims of craters. So how can you tell which nights to avoid? There are Muggle resources you could look up, but there are two magical tools that you can use as well. Both of these tools serve to let you know what phase the Moon will be in at a future date - that is, its apparent shape and how much of it appears to be lit in the sky. 

One of these is a lunascope. It’s not really a telescope (you don’t look at the Moon through it, which is a good thing because you may want to use it indoors or at a time when the Moon isn’t visible), but it looks like a telescope because it’s a tube with a hole in one end to look through. You punch the day, month, and year into the three buttons on the side of the tube and look through the hole; then you will see a picture of the Moon in the phase it will be in on the day you have chosen.

The other one is a Moon chart. It’s a piece of parchment that shows ten consecutive dates side by side, over each of which is a picture of the Moon in the phase it will be in on that date. Of course, ten consecutive dates may not be enough to suit your needs, but that’s where the magic comes in. Touching a spot on the right side of the parchment makes it show the next ten dates, and touching a spot on the left side makes it show the previous ten dates. It’s less expensive than a lunascope, but it takes longer to turn to a date in the distant future.

The Celestial Globe

A celestial globe is like a terrestrial one except that instead of showing the countries and oceans on the surface of the Earth, it shows the stars and constellations in the sky, as well as the names of some of those stars and constellations. Some of these globes appear to show the mirror image of the constellations as you would typically see them, because looking up at the sky from the Earth is like viewing the inside of the globe, rather than the outside. Other globes invert the image so that the constellations appear the same way as they do from Earth.

So today we will concern ourselves about the importance of the Celestial Globe and its study. 

Aquí os dejo unas paginas donde ver como se realiza este mapa celestial

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