martes, 12 de junio de 2018

Transfiguration 302. Critters and Dishers - Fera Verto

 Vamos a por la segunda clase de Transformaciones de este tercer curso de primaria. En esta clase vamos a hacer vasos con nuestras mascotas al igual que en la película de Harry Potter y la cámara secreta

Para ello necesitamos vasos de plástico, y material como botones para hacer los ojos, lana o hilos para hacer bigotes, goma eva para la nariz etc...

I hope you are all ready for today’s lesson as the spell we are learning is a bit different from those we have learned in the past. All of the spells that I have taught you so far have applied to one, and only one, type of target (albeit with occasional variations). Today’s transformation is different in that it can be performed on almost any creature, with only a few minor restrictions

Transfiguration 302. Critters and Dishes

Fera Verto will only work on small to medium sized creatures, generally around the size of a shoebox or smaller. The reasoning for this is that even if the spell were to be applicable to larger creatures, it would take an extraordinary amount of magical power to transfigure something as large as, say, a horse into something as small as a goblet, which is the result of this spell. There is no definitive maximum size for which this transformation will work, though nothing larger than a small pig has ever been successful. The common targeted creatures for Fera Verto are small house pets or pests, such as rats, mice, birds, and lizards.

The Transformation

Now, I have an assortment of animals up at the front of the classroom so you each can pick out which one you would like to practice on. Once you all have your creatures, you can find the spell block for this transformation up on the board.

The backfires you can expect are the same as those you find in most other transformations, though Fera Verto is especially prone to partial transformations. Many forget that goblets may be made from an assortment of materials and therefore end up with fuzzy or skin-like cups. In order to minimize your risk of ending up with a partially transformed goblet, remember that your required concentration and willpower will need to be adjusted slightly for the creature at hand. Some creatures may have more or fewer similarities with the goblet and require more or less concentration, while size and complexity ranges among applicable creatures as well, meaning that willpower will be different from casting to casting. I will now go into a little more detail on how you can more accurately judge the amount of willpower that will be necessary for your chosen creature.

Y aquí os dejo un vídeo de un aficionado

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