sábado, 9 de junio de 2018

Transfiguration 402. Reparifarge. Hedgehog to Pincushion - Ericius Languo

 Hoy empezamos nuestra segunda clase de Transfiguraciones de este 5º año hablando aprendiendo sobre la teoría de las transfiguraciones reversas; es decir, como arreglar un transformación en la que ha salido algo mal. Para ello usaremos el libro de teoría propuesto para este año

Después empezaremos la práctica con un hechizo que transforma un erizo en un alfiletero donde guardar nuestros alfileres o chinchetas de una forma segura (directamente construiremos nuestro alfiletero). Aquí os dejo un vídeo de como hacerlo...nosotros usaremos grapas en vez de coser peroel resto del material es el mismo:

- papel fieltro de varios colores

- ojos de plástico y botones para la nariz

- pegamento o silicona líquida

- algodón para el relleno

- tijeras y lápices o rotuladores de colores





Today’s lesson will include quite a bit of information as we will be covering two spells! As such, please be sure to try to pay attention throughout the entire lesson as this is important information that you will need throughout the rest of your transfigurative career

Transfiguration 501 Hedgehogs and How to Get Them Back


Reparifarge is an untransfiguration spell that is used to revert a partially transformed object to its original state.

In terms of ethics, I, and many others, believe it is a necessity for all young transfigurists such as yourselves to know the Reparifarge spell, especially when dealing with live transformations. As you can imagine, it is not very comfortable for a creature to be stuck as half a cup and half a rat, but you will not always have someone more experienced around to fix these mistakes, so that responsibility falls to you

Though it is not the easiest spell you will learn during your time in this class, it is one of the most important. Just like anything else, it will take some practice to master, but the spell was designed to have little to no chance at backfire

The Transformation

With that, we can move onto the transformation! I have outlined the components of the spell below:

As discussed earlier, it is important to keep in mind all of the internal physical changes that need to occur during this transformation. As always, there’s some risk of backfire when performing this spell. A lack of willpower in this case can cause an incomplete muffling of the hedgehog’s consciousness. 

 This is especially concerning considering the nature of our resulting object. If there is even a little bit of consciousness still present when one goes to use the transformed pincushion, the hedgehog will be able to feel the little prick and poke of every pin inserted. This pulls back in our ethics discussion. Before sticking any pins into your pincushion, you should be sure that the consciousness is completely muffled. Now, there is no way to determine this for certain, but you will normally be able to tell based upon how comfortable you are with the spell and how much you can feel the hedgehog’s will pushing back against your own when you cast it.

I do hope you all enjoyed today’s lesson and will continue practicing both Reparifarge and the Hedgehog to Pincushion transformation. The former is especially important to know throughout the rest of the year. Take an assignment sheet on your way out and I will see you all next week!

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