martes, 19 de junio de 2018

Trasnfiguration102. Transfiguration Formula

 Seguimos con las clases de Transformaciones en 1º de primaria y seguimos haciendo origamis con papel. Si en la clase anterior hicimos separadores de libros, en esta semana haremos figuras animales


Transfigurtion 102. The Transformation Formula

Transfiguration is one of the more scientific branches of magic, meaning there is a strict systematic approach in relation to the incantations and wand movements. This is why many people do not find transfiguration as rewarding as some other forms of magic. Most people have a hard time appreciating how scientific it is, and prefer things that aren’t quite as strict in principle.

The Transformation Formula is, as explained above, a theoretical formula. This goes beyond just the variable Z, which researchers have been thus far unable to identify (though we are coming back to that in a moment!). Of the four known variables, only one of them is actually measurable. This is the mass of the object, which is defined by how much “stuff” there is in the object. Though directly related to an object’s weight, mass is a slightly different measurement. You see, mass is an inherent property while weight depends upon the force due to gravity acting on the object. The three variables that cannot be measured are wand power, concentration, and viciousness because they do not have numerical values. Wand power is the strength of your wand and is influenced not only by the wood, core, length, and flexibility\, but also by your relationship with it. If you want to know more about your wand and its strengths and weaknesses, stop by Professor Penrose’s office for a wand reading. I will explain concentration to you in more detail in the coming weeks, but in general it is how your mind focuses and directs your magic. For the sake of transfiguration, viciousness is liveliness of the target object.

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