jueves, 17 de mayo de 2018

Care of Magical Creatures 202. Our Garden Potatoes - Gnomes

 En la segunda clase de Cuidado de Criaturas Mágicas de este segundo año vamos a estudiar una criatura que no es peligrosa en si, pero si puede resultar un incordio; sobre todo porque es considerada una plaga. y también porque puede atacar y morder si es molestada: son los gnomos

Como actividad artística haremos nuestro propio gnomo. Hay varias formas de hacerlos. Nosotros usaremos fregonas y calcetines principalmente

como hacer gnomos con fregonas


- rollo de papel higienico

- cono de espuma

- calcetín

- fregona

- silicona o cola liquida

- boton o bolita (nariz)

Aquí os dejo mas formas de hacerlo 



Welcome everyone! 

Care of Magical Creatures 202.  Our Garden Potatoes 

Gnomes: The Uprooters of Gardens

They are considered pests in the wizarding world, due to their invasion of wizarding yards. It’s easy to spot a gnome in your garden by looking for a brown, beardish looking creature that is no more than one foot tall. They aren’t very intelligentThey are herbivores, and feed on any sorts of plants in the garden. Gnomes even eat the roots and they can rip up your garden rather quickly. Gnomes live in interconnected underground tunnels similar to ant colonies. 

To remove a gnome, simply grab it at its head and swing it around in a circle. When you feel you have swung it enough, for it to be sufficiently dizzy, let it go. Be careful when removing gnomes as they can bite! While they are not venomous, the bite can be rather painful, and stay sore for several days. It is best to use a healing paste on the bites. While the area will not turn any strange colors, be careful of infection, as they can make rather deep bites with their teeth. Make sure to wash the wound thoroughly to prevent infection!

There have been questions raised as to whether or not gnomes have magic. Most people believe they don’t. However, there are some people, who believe they contain some small bit of magic.

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