viernes, 13 de abril de 2018

History of Hogwarts 103. Houses Common Rooms and Dormitories

  Tercera clase de Historia de Hogwarts para los niños y niñas de 1º y hoy vamos a ver muy brevemente los dormitorios y salas comunes de las distintas casas de Hogwarts. Después empezaremos a preparar material poder decorar nuestras propias habitaciones

Aquí os dejo unos pequeños ejemplos


Primero vemos unos vídeos basados en un tour virtual sobre las casas comunes delas diferentes casas de Hogwarts. Les hacemos imaginar que han sido seleccionados para sus casas y que tienen que ir a su respectiva sala común y dormitorio

Sala común Ravenclaw -

Sala común Gryffindor -

Sala común Hufflepuff -

Sala común Slytherin

Hello my dear little witches and wizards. I hope you are enjoying our classes about the History of this magnificent school. We are going tocontinue learning about the characteristics of the castle and today I am going to give a small lecture about the Common Rooms and Dormitories of the different Houses you have sorted in...Be ready to take notes if you want

History of Hogwarts 103. Houses Common Houses and Dormitories

A common room is a shared place or area in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. There is one for each house. The common rooms feature fireplaces and sitting areas and are decorated in house colours. They are often used to do homework and to socialise with housemates. The boys' and girls' dormitories are also attached to the common rooms, with spells in place to prevent male students from entering the girls' dorms, but not vice versa

The four houses each have a protective measure to prevent students from other houses entering. To enter the Gryffindor Tower and the Slytherin Dungeon, one requires a password. The Ravenclaw Tower requires the answer to a riddle in order to enter, and the Hufflepuff Basement requires tapping the exact barrel displayed
Gryffindor Common Room — located in Gryffindor Tower, through the Fat Lady's portrait.
Hufflepuff Common Room — located in Hufflepuff Basement, below ground level behind a stack of barrels near the kitchens.
Ravenclaw Common Room — located in Ravenclaw Tower, beyond a bronze eagle-shaped knocker that poses a riddle.
Slytherin Common Room — located in Slytherin Dungeon, below ground level beyond a stone wall.


Now...let´s go to the arts and crafts decoration... For today I just want you to decorate the banners of your respective Houses and use them to decorate your own bedroom. For Homework 

Aquí os dejo material para que los niños decores sus banderas y las utilicen en sus habitaciones

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