sábado, 19 de mayo de 2018

Care of Magical Creatures 102. Stand Tall Redwood - Bowtruckes

 Comenzamos el tercer año de Cuidado de criaturas mágicas y vamos a empezar a ver la clasificación básica de ellas y luego veremos nuestra primera criatura mágica. Por supuesto vamos a comenzar por las más inofensivas: Los Bowtruckles

Después fabricaremos nuestro propio bicho-palo. Aquí os dejo unos vídeos de como lo haríamos: En clase usaremos papeles y algún palo para darle el esqueleto; en casa ya podéis usar alambre o clips




Hello childen welcome and let´s begin.... This year you will begin with the study of the different magical creatures you can find in our magnificient world... Don´t worry since this and the following year you will study non aggresive creatures. Let´s open your books in the first lwsson: Bowtrucles


Care of Magical Creatures 301. Stand Tall Redwood - Bowtruckes
Bowtruckles: Our Wand Tree Guardians

Bowtruckles are tree guardians, about the size of a human hand. They resemble a stick in order to blend in with their home tree, or the tree they are guarding, and have two razor sharp fingers on each hand, which are used to defend themselves and their home tree against an attacker. They are classified as XX by the Ministry of Magic since Bowtruckles are typically rather aggressive towards anyone, or anything, that comes near their home tree

Bowtruckles are considered omnivores. They mostly eat woodlice due to their availability. Woodlice. When lice is not available, Bowtruckles may eat other insects like aphids, or consume leaves in the absence of insects. 

Another interesting part of Bowtruckles is their skeletal structure. Bowtruckles have bones like birds. They are very lightweight because they are filled with an air cavity instead of bone marrow. The outer portion of their bones are made up of a modified mineralized osseous tissue. This means that minerals are deposited on the outside of their bones The arm bone is one complete bone, yet they are still able to bend it appropriately. It’s similar to how you can bend a stick before it will snap. Their fingers have four bones, each in between a joint

Bowtruckle reproduction is also rather interesting. When a Bowtruckle dies, one of their bones remains active instead of collapsing to dust. By active, I mean that cells are still dividing and reproducing. This bone then grows into a new adult Bowtruckle. Bowtruckles will live an average of fifty years, though some in older trees have lived as long as their home tree. The oldest Bowtruckle on record is 400 years old

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