lunes, 29 de mayo de 2017

Transfiguration 303. Suppressing the Mind. Beetles and Buttons - Ciabdo

 Hoy comenzamos la primera clase practica de transformaciones... Vamos a coger botones y los vamos a transformar en hormigas o escarabajos. Para ello vamos a usar tapas de botellas (o bien botones que ya tengan hechos los agujeros) para que sea más fácil y alfileres para hacer las patas...Finalmente pondremos unos ojos para darle una sensación de insecto. Para pegar usaremos cola o pegamento líquido

Aquí os dejo una pagina web donde viene explicado

I hope you are all ready to begin as today you will all be performing your first animate to inanimate transformation with the Beetle to Button Spell. It’s imperative that you keep in mind everything that we discussed last week and, as much as I’m sure some of you might not be fans of our little friends that we’re working with today, refrain from any “accidental” squishing.

Transfiguration 402. Beetle to Buttons

Suppressing the Mind
Now, before we get into the spell, I wanted to give you all a little insight into suppressing the consciousness and the life force of the creatures we will be working with. I briefly mentioned this last week, but thought it deserved a little more explanation.

I will start by defining consciousness as the state of being awake and aware of one’s surroundings and existence. It is only in a conscious state that one can interact with, and respond to, the world around them. This includes not only active thoughts, decisions, feelings, and movements, but also subconscious instincts and reflexes. When transfiguring living beings we suppress all of these aspects by pushing our will stronger than that of the target creature’s. The important parts to note here are those instincts and reflexes that we are taking from this creature. Contained within those instincts are the creature’s natural defences and responses to danger, including the “fight-or-flight” response. This is the natural reaction that almost all living creatures have when confronted with a perceived dangerous or stressful situation. When enacted, chemicals are released in the brain that tell the animal to either flee or fight, whichever would be more beneficial to the survival of the creature in that situation. By taking away these defenses, we take responsibility for the survival of the creature in our hands.

The Transformation

Finally we get to the transformation. Once again, be sure to keep in mind everything I talked about both last week and today about the components necessary for casting transformations on living beings. Also be thinking about the ethics and the life that you are accepting responsibility for. The beetle may be small, but it is still alive.

I cannot express enough the importance of willpower in this spell and those that follow this year. While the amount needed today is still relatively low, you should all be able to feel the slightest push back from the life force of the beetle when you attempt to cast this transformation. If you fail to include enough willpower, your button may end up still having legs and the ability to crawl across the desk. As always, if you end up half-transforming your beetle, please call me over so I can reset it for you.

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