viernes, 26 de mayo de 2017

Transfiguration 403. Ethics. Rabbits to Sleepers - Lepermuto

Hoy vamos a hacer unas zapatillas de dormir con forma de conejitos. Para ello necesitamos:

- Unas zapatillas viejas o pantuflas de andar por casa 

- Fieltro 

- Silicona 

- Agujas e hilo para coser / grapadora / Pegamento o cola para pegar

- Relleno de algodón o esponja

Aquí os dejo un vídeo para que veáis como se hace

Transfiguration 602. Ethics. Rabbits to Sleepers - Lepermuto

Considering we will be dealing with live animals this year, I’m sure you can all guess that there will be some safety and ethical concerns that we will need to consider before we begin our transformations. It should go without saying that anyone found handling the creatures in this class without the proper care and consideration will be finding themselves in detention with me on Friday night.

The first thing to consider when transforming live animals is what is happening while they are in their transformed state. I will go into the theory behind this in a moment, but the bottom line is that their basic essence as a creature still remains. As such, it is important to remember that while the object you hold in your hand might not appear to be alive, it still encases a living being, so you must be as careful with it as you would be with that creature. Any damage to the object in question could result in an injury to the anima

Other concerns to think about when transforming a live creature include backfires and what they could mean for the targeted creature. As described last year, when a transfiguration spell backfires, it could mean one of two things. First is that the spell simply doesn’t work. This would be the ideal backfire in this case, if there is an “ideal” backfire. The second possibility is that the transformation is not completed.

The bottom line is that, when performing these spells, you are taking the life of another being into your hands. You are making it defenceless and taking away all of its natural responses to danger, something we will discuss a little bit more next week. This is a lot of responsibility that you need to be sure you are ready for before casting. I don’t mean to make you nervous with all of this information, but it is something that you need to keep in mind, both now and in the future, when you cast any type of spell that may affect another living thing.

The Transformation
Onto the transformation! Though it might be obvious, I feel the need to point out that this spell transfigures one rabbit into one slipper. That being said, almost all of you have two feet, meaning you will need two rabbits in order for this spell to be applicable! Unless, of course, you happen to have lost just one of your fuzzy friends and only need to replace the one. The spell information is given on the board, so when you feel ready, come up and grab a rabbit. Once you are successful with the first, you may attempt with a second if you so choose.

As mentioned, you must be sure to concentrate on the intended materials for this transformation. Due to the strong visual and textural similarities that exist between rabbits and slippers, some forget that there are still more changes that must take place, particularly when it comes to the interior of the shoe and the molecular differences between natural and synthetic fur. It is for this reason that the issues that are most often seen with the Rabbits to Slippers Transformation include the creation of a solid slipper, such that there is no hole for your foot, and a slipper with real rabbit hair, rather than a synthetic fur. Many also often forget that your feet curve two different ways and end up with two left shoes, which can make for a slightly uncomfortable experience.

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