En esta segunda clase de Encantamientos en el 5º curso de Primaria empezamos recordando los componentes de un hechizo para luego pasar a la parte practica y ver un nuevo hechizo de magia avanzada
También realizaremos una pequeña redacción o vídeo en el cual l@s alumn@s pueden mostrar como realizan este hechizo en casa
Hello my dear friends... welcome to our second Charms class... I hope nobody has forgotten the wand because today we are going to lear our first spell in this year... so I reccomend you to pick your Advanced Spells book and open it on page 37.
But first let´s remember about the basic Spellcasting components that we need to perform a spell
Charms 102. Spellcasting Components
You have no doubt noticed mention of spellcasting components in your classes at this point. Spellcasting components are a breakdown of what is needed to perform a spell. They are incantation and pronunciation, wand movement, willpower, and concentration. We will go into more details on spellcasting components in later lessons, but I do want to give you a brief overview.
The incantation is, in its most basic form, the ‘magic words’. They must be spoken with proper pronunciation or, at best, nothing will happen. At worst, disaster could strike. As Professor Filius Flitwick likes to say, “Never forget Wizard Baruffio, who said an‘s’ instead of ‘f’ and found himself on the floor with a buffalo on his chest.” Though not a spellcasting component by itself, proper pronunciation is essential for successful spellcasting. Some very advanced witches and wizards can cast spells without use of an incantation, but this takes many, many years of practice.
You have no doubt noticed mention of spellcasting components in your classes at this point. Spellcasting components are a breakdown of what is needed to perform a spell. They are incantation and pronunciation, wand movement, willpower, and concentration. We will go into more details on spellcasting components in later lessons, but I do want to give you a brief overview.
The wand movement is the shapes you make in the air with your wand to help shape a spell. It is said that the wand movement along with the incantation help to gain the desired effect. Like the incantation, it is possible to cast a spell without a wand or wand movement, however this is incredibly uncommon. Professor Albus Dumbledore was one such wizard and demonstrates the caliber of magic it takes to perform a spell with no wand.
Willpower is the magical strength and focus needed to correctly perform a spell. It is the mental push that projects your magic and gives a spell the power it needs to work. Willpower is one of the most difficult components to master, but strong willpower is key to practicing advanced magic.
Finally, concentration is centering your mind on your magic and the desired effect in order to make a spell work. It includes the target of your magic and what you want your magic to do. While concentration and willpower are vital to performing a host of spells, they are not crucial to all spellcasting. Physical strength does not always equal magical power either, so please make sure to exercise both your mind and your body during our time together.
texto cedido por Hogwartsishere.com
Incantation: Reparo (‘reh-PAH-roh’)
Wand Movement: Inward pointed spiral, continued until the object is fully repaired
Willpower: Minimal
Concentration: High; Visualization of the repaired object should be maintained until the object is repaired. The Mending Charm can repair most mundane (non-magical) items simply enough, though depending upon the level of damage, a sustained effort may be necessary, or multiple applications of the charm. The caster must visualize the target of the spell as it would be fully repaired
It’s important to remember that only non-magical fixes can be made with this spell. A broomstick repaired with this spell will not have the magical properties that had allowed it to fly previously. A wand fares even worse; the spell will mend the wand back together, but the moment the Mending Charm is complete the wand will simply fall apart again. Also the magical spells that were once laid upon an object cannot be mended if they unravel due to age or force.
The spell also cannot restore something utterly destroyed or transformed. It cannot turn the ashes of a chair back into the chair. A half-burned candle cannot have its expended wax renewed (at least not via this spell). Especially large repairs, such as sections of a structure, require additional power and effort typically only seen in graduate students.
Despite these limitations, this charm is one of the easiest to cast and will allow you to fix the results of small magical mishaps with ease. It is recommended to always keep this charm in your repertoire.
texto e imagenes cedidas porHogwartsishere.com
Let´s see the way it works
Para efectuarlo en clase podemos crear un efecto de pantalla rota que los niños deben arreglar con el hechizo aprendido hoy
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