Seguimos con las clases de Hechizos y en este caso vamos a aprender uno de los componentes de los hechizos de los que hablamos el año pasado en 5º: El encantamiento; para ello veremos la importancia de las palabras y el lenguaje. Después practicaremos nuestro primer hechizo de este año.
" I always prized myself in my ability to turn a phrase, words are in my not so humble opinion our most irigsourceable source of magic, capable of most inflicting injuries and remedies"
Albus Dumbledore from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Charms 602. Words And Their Power
Language involves the system of words or signs that people use to express thoughts and ideas to one another. While spoken language can be a faster form of communication, it is written language that manages to survive and allows us to understand what civilizations thousands of years old once thought.
The earliest known alphabet is known as the Phoenician Alphabet. This alphabet, dating back to at least 1050 B.C.E., contains ancient forms of most of the letters that we use today. The alphabet didn't have representations for the vowels, which were usually left to the reader to supply themselves. Later iterations, such as the Greek, Latin, and later English alphabets, contain specific symbols for the vowels.
The important thing to understand is that we still use the same alphabet developed three millennia ago with relatively minimal changes. Sure the shapes of the letters and their exact pronunciations may have changed, but most Phoenician letters can still be directly linked to their modern-day counterparts.
It's important to understand the origin of written language to understand how an incantation exerts its power. Incantations are almost always one or two words long. Most incantations we will cover have Latin origins and originate within Europe
Consider the incantation for the Hover Charm, Levioso. As you'll recall, this spell allows the caster to lift things that they are touching off the ground effortlessly. The Latin root for the incantation, the word "levis", literally means "light of weight." It's also important to understand why an incantation requires precise pronunciation to be effective.
Sometimes mispronunciations result in nothing happening, sometimes there's only a minor mishap such as a small bang or backfire, but there are times when being even slightly off can result in completely unintended consequences such as explosions. This is why it is essential that you look up the pronunciation for any incantation you are unfamiliar with or listen very carefully when your professors talk about one in class. It's not worth risking your eyebrows, your hair, or your life because you were too careless to double-check the pronunciation of a spell!
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Ahora vamos a ver un vídeo para explicar el hechizo que vamos a practicar hoy. Esta escena es de la película Harry Potter y las Reliquias de la Muerte
Y aquí un vídeo hecho por un videoaficionado
OK let´s practise the enchantment of today. The Severing Charm: Diffindo
The Severing Charm
Incantation: Diffindo (deef-IN-doe)
Wand Movement: V-Shaped down and up, ending with a swish in the direction to cut.
Willpower: Low
Concentration: Moderate; The place to cut and depth of the slice
Category: Dynamic
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The Severing Charm allows the caster to precisely cut the target they are focused upon. The caster should finish saying the spell while performing a swish in the direction of the cut. At this point, the spell is cast, and the target is cut along the desired path.
With practice it gets easier to determine precisely where to cut, how deep, and how to prevent unintended items from being cut. It's worth noting that this spell isn't nearly as effective against animals and other such complex life forms. Despite appearances, living things are made of layers and layers of very small moving things called cells, and the magic of this charm does not interact well with them.
You can chop down trees or cut plants because their cells are very slow-moving and relatively simple. You may be able to give someone a scratch or papercut, or perhaps even something a little deeper, but doing serious harm with this spell requires years of practice and by that time it is easily overcome with a Shield Charm.
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Para practicar este hechizo podemos crear un efecto de cristal rompiendo y ejecutarlo en la pantalla de clase para que ellos crean que han roto la pantalla con el hechizo. Luego lo arreglaríamos usando el hechizo reparador (Reparo) que aprendimos el año pasado
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