domingo, 30 de septiembre de 2018

Transfiguration 201. Introduction to Transfiguration. Dangers of Transfiguration

Empezamos el segundo año de Transformaciones con algo sencillo los problemas que puede representar un hechizo de transformación mal hecho. Para ello ponemos varios ejemplos y decimos a los niños y niñas que hagan un dibujo de uno de esos ejemplos donde la transformación se ha quedado a medias

Welcome again my dear students. Today we begin a new course in Transfigurations. But before we start to complete any of the transformations or conjuration spells from this year I want you yo understand the possible dangers and problems that this king of magic has itself


Lesson 1) Introduction to Transfiguration 
Dangers of Transfiguration

Transfiguration is a very dangerous form of magic, as it is very easy to mess up. Should transfiguration spells of any kind go wrong, they can lead to catastrophic situations. When you are working with the molecules of an object, you are changing its basic principles. If this energy or change gets displaced or unfocused, serious harm could befall you and those around you. Now, molecules are defined as a group of atoms that are bonded together to create chemical compounds. These chemical compounds are what create everything in our universe, living and unliving. Individual things have different molecular structures which define what they are! 

I’ve already told you that transfiguration can be dangerous, but now I feel it appropriate that we get into exactly why this is. This type of magic has many opportunities for things to go wrong, and disastrously so. This is a possibility for even the most practiced of transfigurists. This is why it is important that you do not try spells above your year. Attempting to cast transfiguration spells you have not yet learned is something that you will be severely docked for in assignments as this is an extremely dangerous practice that will not be encouraged or condoned in my class.

When spells backfire or aren’t completed correctly, it can prevent items from completing their transfigurations. While this may not seem like a big deal when working with simple transfigurations, such as an apple to an orange, think about what this could mean when you get into deeper things, like human transformation. Can you imagine what would happen if you went to do a transformation to give yourself gills and it only worked halfway? Or if you were to try to vanish something and only managed to vanish half of it? Surely you can see the dangers here!

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So after I have explained the dangers of this kind of magic let´s see some examples of what it represents to make an incomplete spell

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What I want from you is to make a small picture about one incomplete transformation spell which involves an animal and an object or two animals from different kind and tell me what animals you did try and what went wrong


imagen cedida por nepryne.

Here you have some ecamples you can use as a clue.  But feel free to make up a new specie by yourself


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