martes, 27 de noviembre de 2018

History of Magic 601. An Introduction - Magic's Beginnings

 Como el año pasado primero les pedimos a los alumnos y alumnas de 6º curso que traigan sus agendas decoradas desde casa



Estamos ya en el ultimo año de curso y l@s alumn@s encaran las últimas clases en el colegio de magia y hechiceria Hogwarts. 

Primero empezamos viendo un vídeo sobre la escuela de magia y hechicería de Hogwarts.

Después comenzamos con la elaboración de nuestra corbata. Este año se complicamos un poco la elaboración ya que vamos a necesitar corbatas para forrar. Los alumnos y y alumnas de 6º deben traer una corbata vieja que no usen. Después con telas de diferentes colores forrarán esas corbatas intentando que se parezcan lo más posible a aquellas que los integrantes del colegio Hogwarts llevan para su clases



Finalmente los alumnos y alumnas de 6º empiezan una pequeña introducción sobre ellos mismos y que esperan de este último año en Hogwarts o de sus experiencias en cursos anteriores

Hello my dear fellows....I am glad to have you one more year in my classroom but unfotunately I have to say this will be our last year
We have had a fantastic time during these last years and I hope we will have another amazing year learning about the history of magic and the history of this school

We will continue studying the Bathilda Bagshot "History of Magic Book" 

       Please remember this is a History of Magic class. I appreciate input from the Muggle world, but remember to focus essays around our world. In the previous assignment, amazing quotes were used but I took points off if your essay was lacking in Wizarding World history

A History Of Magic 

Chapter 3 of 24 Magic'S Beginnings

There are many, many theories as to how magic came to be. Most of which are unaccepted by modern magical historians. However, magical historians have narrowed down the creation of magic to three possible theories. These three theories are as follows: 

o The Theory of Uno Mas 

o The Migration Theory 

o The Theory of Hocus Pocus 

The Theory of Uno Mas

The most popular theory for a long time, this theory states that all magic began from one person: the first wizard, Uno Mas. Uno Mas (although not his real name) is his given name by magical historians due to the belief that he was the original wizard. Originally found written in ancient Aramaic, the given name was translated to The First Magi. The theory was officially presented by William Marangue in his book "The Theory of Uno Mas". He is believed to be the father of all wizards and witches. The theory also states that Uno created the first wand as well, making him the literal father of magic.

The Migration Theory

The Migration theory is a little more complex. Believing magical and Muggle kind lived side by side for years of migration, it is thought that wizards and witches didn't know they had magic. Then when the Descent of Blizz (also known to Muggles as the Ice Age) hit, magical persons left the Muggles and created their own groups and settlements. These settlers founded many of the wizarding villages that exist today.

The Theory of Hocus Pocus 

This is the idea that magic came out of thin air naturally, and did not essentially come from a "first wizard". This theory focuses more on the first known uses of magic as opposed to who first used magic. The story suggests that women were able to use magic as a form of persuasion and that from this came a "Natural Progression of magical tendencies"

These theories attempt to explain why we are the way we are and where we came from. Each has its proponents and opponents such as Dr. Josiah Loppet, who strongly disagrees with the ideas of Uno Mas and wrote a book "The Anti-Uno Mas Theory" about it. These theories attempt to explain why we are the way we are and where we came from. Each has its proponents and opponents such as Dr. Josiah Loppet, who strongly disagrees with the ideas of Uno Mas and wrote a book "The Anti-Uno Mas Theory" about it.

That is all we will be discussing today, thank you for your attention. Your assignments have been posted and are available for you to do when you have time, but they will be due at the beginning of class. If you have any questions, come see me.

Text from

Today your first assigment and perhaps the most important durign all the year you will be responsible for keeping a journal that documents your experience during this last year in this school.  You can use a physical journal or a notebook where to write about classroom notes, resumes, ideas or a personal diary where to keep a list of thoughts or observations
You can also post photographs or pictures about the lessons or the different homework teacher might send you during this year.

For homework I want  you to write a small essay about the origins of tour magic. Did you know you have magic in you before your letter arrive?.   When did you know you had magical talent? Do you come from a family of Pure- Blood wizards? Do you have any Muggle relative?... 
Please write between 100 and 120 words about this topic. 

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