En esta segunda clase de Historia de la Magia vamos a estudiar las culturas antiguas. Empezaremos con las culturas Mesopotámicas y Fenicias para seguir con la cultura Maya. Primero estudiaremos un poco de teoría
Usaremos el libro que comenzamos a estudiar el año pasado: Historia de la Magia por Bathilda Bagshot
Luego elaborar un proyecto basado en una de estas culturas Para ello vamos a elaborar un edificio típico de la cultura maya (pirámide) o de la cultura mesopotamica (zigurat)
Aquí os dejo unos vídeos de como hacerlo
Hello my dear hirtorians. We aregoing to continue with our study of the history of Magic. YesI know, this subject can be a little boring but don´tworry we are going to make a project based on this lesson at the end of the teorhy class
Over the course of the next two lessons, we will be talking in-depth about ancient Mesopotamia, Phoenicia, Maya and Roman and Greek magic cuiltures
To begin, we will look at Mesopotamia, one of the earliest civilizations known to man. Muggle history often describes it as the "cradle of civilization" or "the fertile crescent". In Mesopotamia. Sumerian people were among the first to create potions in the world, specifically healing and defensive potions.
Magic was an important factor in Sumerian culture. They often revered those they saw using magic, as it was seen as a gift from the gods, when in reality they were just wizards and witches. However these witches and wizards wouldn't have known this themselves, so they often accepted this theory, and became immortalized as gods and heroes.
The next culture we will look at is Phoenicia, this being the culture that came up with the Proto-Canaanite Alphabet. The Phoenicians used magical woods in many of their boats, as they were a well known maritime power and skilled traders. Their boats were protected by charms and enhanced by their use of the magical wood
I'll move on now to the Maya Civilization. The Maya were, again, some of the first people to form village-oriented lifestyles as opposed to your normal nomadic tribes. Witches and wizards learned to plant food, making it easier for them settle down. It was quite the feat. The Maya used jade -- much like another culture we will study -- and most notably obsidian for a task that was considered by many to be the first form of divination
Much of this would have been possible without their integration with magical folk as well. They had their own writing system, language, and an entire sociology. However that's information for today, I think.
I will see you in the next lesson. But before the class is dismmised let´s explain your homework. First I want you to make a practical proyect about one the following buldings that were constructed in the ancient cultures. For ilustrative purposes I will show you some tutorial videos
Then I want you to investigate about on important fact in the Maya, Phoenicia or Mesopotamic culture and write about 100 words in a piece of paper
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