martes, 28 de agosto de 2018

History of Hogwarts 302: The Founders of Hogwarts

Vamos a la segunda clase en este tercer año de Historia de Hogwarts. Los dos primeros años estuvimos viendo la historia de las cuatro casas y ahora empezaremos con la historia de los cuatro fundadores de Hogwarts. Después colorearemos un dibujo sobre uno de estos personajes y haremos una pequeña redacción sobre que características poseemos que nos hagan parecernos a fundador de nuestra casa

Primero vamos a ver unos vídeos sencillos

Hello my friends. Welcome to another class about Hogwarts History. Last year we talked about the characteristics and properties of the different Houses that you can be sorted to. This year we will talk about the famous founders that male possible the creation of this magical and marvelous castle. 

In this light we will continue studying Hogwart a History book by Bathilda Bagshot

Hogwarts History 301. Hogwarts Founders

The Hogwarts founders, also known as the Hogwarts Four were four witches and wizards who established Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry during the medieval era, in the 10th century. These four founders are widely described as being the most brilliant witches and wizards of the time and were the following: Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw and Salazar Slytherin.

Each of them created their own House: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin respectively. They laid the foundations for the largest and most prestigious Wizarding School in Britain.

Godric valued courage and bravery, believing these were the two most virtuous abilities a person can possess

Helga Hufflepuff believed that, in order to be sorted into Hufflepuff house, a person must possess the values of loyalty, patience, and be hard-working above all else

Rowena Ravenclaw wanted to make Hogwarts the very finest Wizarding school on earth, teaching those children with the highest intelligence

Salazar Slytherin believed strongly that only wizards of pure blood (i.e., those with a mother and father from wizarding families) should be allowed to attend Hogwarts

                                texto e imagenes cedidos por Hogwrtsishere,com

Now let´s do these test (depending in which House you were sorted to) and tell me what % are you like the founder of your Hogwart´s House


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