jueves, 13 de septiembre de 2018

Astronomy 401: Introdcution to Astronomy. Moon Calendar

Este año empezamos las clases de Astronomía hablando sobre el calendario lunar. Veremos como se hace un calendario personalizado 

This year we will be using a textbook. Don´t worry it will be very easy to follow. The boook is "The essence of Astronomy". You can find a physical copy in the library and a virtual copy in the website

For your convenience, I have hung a lunar phase chart on the wall of this classroom, on the door to my office, and on the main entrance of the Astronomy Tower. This lunar phase chart is made by the finest magical astronomers in Mexico, and it contains many magical features that we will go over in a future lesson. Even without activating the magical aspects of the chart, one can see the predicted phases of the Moon for each particular day - from January on the left to December on the right. As you can see from the chart, last week there was a waxing gibbous Moon. The full Moon occurred earlier this week, and right now there is a waning gibbous Moon.

Today’s Lunar View Source: Miami Valley Astronomical Society

In just over a few days, in what phase will the Moon be? That is right, the last quarter. Next week, in what phase will the Moon be? Yes, it will be a waning crescent. Good job, everyone! Your skill at reading this chart is improving already!

Remember when I mentioned last lesson that the Moon’s visibility depends on its phase? Waning crescent Moons are best seen in daylight hours, and they tend to set before night. Therefore, do not be surprised if you do not see a crescent Moon in the sky next week. Not to worry - there are still plenty of items in the sky to look at, including the moons of other planets.

                                            texto e imagenes cedidos por Hogwartsishere.com

So now. Let´s get to work and we are going to make our own moon chart calendar.rst I want you to remember the Moon phases and then remember that there are 28 eights betwen one full moon and other full moon (28 days to full rotation). That gives us 3 days between each moon phase ... So I want you to complete the next following month with the lunar phases that correspond. Then for homework I want to complete the following two months and write an essay about 


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