Vamos a nuestra segunda clase de Hechizos de este segundo año y la primera práctica ya que vamos a realizar nuestro primer hechizo este año
Primero vamos a ver un video sobre el hechizo que sale en la película de Harry Potter y la piedra filosofal
Hello my dear childrenand welcome to our second Charms class this year. I hope you didn´t forget your wand since today you are going to learn your first spell in this year. LAst year you lear to simple spells (Lumos and Wingardium Leviosa) and this year you will learn two simple but useful spells. The first sepell you will learn this year is the Unlocking Charm (Aohomora)
Charms 202. The Unlocking Charm – Alohomora
The spell you’ll be practicing this week is called the Unlocking Charm, so noted because it unseals locks, both magical and mundane. The spell is also known as the Thief’s Friend for obvious reasons. The spell, which originated in Africa, was brought to the Wizarding World by Eldon Elsrickle. Elsrickle used it to go on a looting spree throughout homes in London until the counterspell was invented by Blagdon Blay.
Unlocking Charm
Incantation: Alohomora (‘al-LOH-ha-MOR-ah’)
Wand Movement: Backward S curving up at the end
Willpower: None for simple mechanical locks; minimal to very high for locks ranging from complex mechanical to complex magical.
Concentration: Visualization of yourself unlocking the lock
As demonstrated, the charm’s wand movement is a backward S that curves back upward at the end. The caster must focus upon the lock to be undone, whether it is just a physical lock or of magical design. It's important to begin the wand movement as you begin saying the spell and end it as you finish saying the spell, regardless of how quickly you say the spell or perform the movement. Depending upon the particular spell used to create the lock, the Unlocking Charm may prove ineffective.
Unlocking a door or chest is as simple as performing the necessary gestures and incantation. The trick to this spell is that you need to focus on the object you’re attempting to unlock and visualize yourself unlocking it as you cast the spell. You also need to time your cast with the wand movement so that your wand is pointed toward whichever lock you want to unlock at the end. It’s not required that you be able to see the lock, but in this case it must somehow be attached to the door or chest you wish to unlock, and you still need to target whatever the lock is attached to. The complexity of the lock, or in some cases its weight, can both be limiting factors to this spell’s effectiveness.
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Let´s practise
Wan I want for homework is to record yourselves in a video pratising the spell
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