domingo, 24 de junio de 2018

Herbology 502. Magical Herbs. Hazardous Herbs. Odorous Plants - Mandrake

 Este 5º año seguimos con las clases practicas de Herbología y vamos a empezar a ver la clasificación de las plantas peligrosas. Después empezaremos viendo y fabricando (y etiquetando) nuestra primera planta mágica: La Mandrágora

Para ello primero os dejo un vídeo basado en la película Harry Potter y la cámara secreta

Aquí os dejo un vídeo de como hacer nuestra mandrágora de una forma fácil

Hello again, Fifth Years! Ah, I see some eager looks on your faces. Yes, if you recall, today we will be discussing some of the more dangerous considerations herbologists face when working with plants. Though I hate to disappoint, we will not be directly working with any of the plants mentioned or discussing their planting, harvesting, or general care. These plants are far too advanced for you at this moment

Herbology 502. Magical Herbs. Hazardous Herbs. Odorous Plants - Mandrake

There are several different types of hazards that can stem from plants. Over time, these hazards have come to be uniformly classified and identified for easier communication between witches and wizards of different backgrounds and ability levels. This class system is known as the Wizarding Herbal Properties and Individual Specialities, or W.H.P.I.S. for short

Today I am going to discuss with you the different types of hazards and the safety requirements for dealing with those hazards. The Ministry requires everyone who may be working with plants to be educated in the W.H.P.I.S. classes, so please pay close attention to this lesson material. There are six official classes of dangerous plants, and it is important to remember that some plants may fall under more than one class. Each class can have different levels of potency or danger, and have a variety of effects

Class A: Odorous

At their core, plants in the odorous class can affect people, animals, or even other plants by releasing odors in the form of a powder or gas. When working with these plants one should wear a mask, use a Bubble Head Charm, or take other similar precautions.

Level One: Level one is the most severe and indicates a plant that puts you in immediate danger of death 
Level Two: Plants from this subclass are slightly less dangerous, but can still cause death over a long period of exposure, or over repeated encounters if not treated each time
Level Three: Finally we have the mildest class of odorous plants! There are three separate possible issues a level three odorous plant may present- paralysis, disorientation or confusion and fall into a deep sleep

Now let´s begin with the firs herb this year: The Mandrake

The (European) Mandrake plant has been used since ancient times as a medicinal plant and has a tradition associated with magical activities and witchcraft. It is a member of the nightshade family. It contains hyoscyamine, scopolamine, and mandragorin. Medically, it has been used as a pain killer and a sedative. It was used in ancient times for surgery. An overdose, though, can be fatal.

Mandrakes are classified as Hazardous Herb class A level one. Althought they are not odorous they can be fatal. Whenever unearthed, the root screams. The scream of a mature Mandrake when it is unearthed will kill any person who hears it, but a young Mandrake's screams will usually only knock a person out for several hours. A Mandrake's scream is very similar to (if not the same as) a banshee's scream, which is also fatal. The Aquatandisu potion will stop a mandrake screaming if it is fully submerged, and is used for protection purposes by herbologists.

In potioneering, the mandrake is versatile, from love potions to sleeping potions and even a revival potion for those petrified. 

Now let´s make our own Mandrake plant. The materials are on your respective table. For homework I just want you to label this plant properly 

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