martes, 2 de mayo de 2017

Astronomy 603. How to Identify the Stars - Zodiacal Constellations

 Seguimos viendo las Constelaciones en este 6º año de Primaria y hoy vamos a hablar de los signos del zodiaco y de las constelaciones zodiacales. Primero estudiaremos un poco cada uno de esos signos y después les pediremos a las alumnas y alumnos de 6º que dibujen su signo del zodiaco y luego para casa que os cuenten todo lo que sepan sobre las características de ese signo del zodiaco y si se corresponde con su personalidad

Para dibujar nuestro signo del zodiaco necesitamos

- cartulina oscura (negra o azul marino)

-purpurina para decorar

- rotulador o tiza blanca

*  También lo podemos hacer con leds y cuerda o goma para que quede más bonito

Aquí os dejo unos vídeos donde se muestra como hacerlo de varias maneras sencillas


Welcome back children to another class in this last year in the Astronomy Tower. We will continue learning about different stars and in thislight we will dive into the Astrology science more than in the Astronomy because today we are going to talk about Zodiacal Constellations and Zodiacal Signs. Let´s open your respective books

Astronomy 603. How to Identify the Stars -  Zodiacal Constellations

Astronomy is the scientific study of celestial bodies, like planets, stars.... Astrology,on the other hand, is the study of the zodiac symbols and stars and the belief that they have influence over human lives. . The 12 zodiac constellations are: Capricornus; Aquarius; Pisces; Aries; Taurus; Gemini; Cancer; Leo; Virgo; Libra; Scorpius and  Sagittarius

Do you think that your life might be influenced by objects in space? Come and learn about what the zodiac is, as well as what constellations represent the different signs of the zodiac. 

Wouldn't it be cool if our lives were influenced by celestial objects? While this hasn't been scientifically proven, this is what the study of astrology is all about. Astrologists believe that the position of the planets, constellations, sun and moon on the day of your birth influences your life.

There are 12 different constellations, group of stars that seem to form a picture, along the path that the Sun travels every year. Each constellation corresponds with a zodiac sign. There is a range of dates for each zodiac sign that represents the dates that the sun is in front of each constellation.

Capricornus (“sea-goat”) is the smallest of the 12 zodiac constellations. Capricornus is visible during the summer and autumn time from northern hemisphere locations. It is best seen during the month of September.

Aquarius (“water-carrier”) is the 2nd biggest zodiac constellation. Aquarius is visible during the autumn and winter time from northern hemisphere locations. It is best seen during the month of October.

Pisces (“fishes”) is the 4th biggest zodiac constellation. Pisces is visible in the northern hemisphere between late summer and winter. It is best seen during the month of November.

Aries (“ram”) is the 11th biggest zodiac constellation. In the northern hemisphere, Aries is visible between winter and spring, although best seen during the month of December.

Gemini (“twins”) is the 8th biggest zodiac constellation. Gemini is visible during the winter to spring time from northern hemisphere locations. It is best seen during the month of January.

Cancer (“crab”) is the 9th biggest zodiac constellation. Cancer is visible during autumn to spring from northern hemisphere locations. It is best seen during the month of March.

Leo (“lion”) is the 3rd biggest zodiac constellation. Leo is visible during the winter to spring time from northern hemisphere locations. It is best seen during the month of April.

Virgo (“virgin”) is the largest zodiac constellation. Virgo is visible during the spring and summer time from northern hemisphere locations. It is best seen during the month of May.

Libra (“weighing scales”) is the 7th biggest zodiac constellation.Libra is visible during the spring and summer time from northern hemisphere locations. It is best seen during the month of June.

Scorpius (“scorpion”) is the 10th biggest zodiac constellation. Scorpius is visible during the summer time from northern hemisphere locations. It is best seen during the month of July.

Sagittarius (“archer”) is the 5th biggest zodiac constellation.Sagittarius is visible during the autumn time from northern hemisphere locations. It is best seen during the month of August.

Astrologists have also assigned personality traits with each sign. In fact, some people read horoscopes that predict their future based on their zodiac sign. The zodiac signs are divided into four categories: fire, water, air and earth.

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